Cassandra SIG Meeting Thu, Mar 11, 2021

  • Data on Kubernetes Day at CNCF KubeCon
    • Sat, May 8, 2021 at 8:00pm - Data on Kubernetes Day
    • People will talk about different data
    • Stateful workloads on Kubernetes including other databases
  • Cass-Operator updates by John Sanda
  • Discussion on if CRDs should represent Schemas?
    • Should CRDs represent schemas ?
      • What happens if CRDs changes the schema?
      • What happens to the data in the schema?
    • Should we have a plugin / hook to run CQLSH?
    • Should we manage data migration?
  • Making Cass-operator to do multi cluster using the same Multi-CassKop approach (Franck Dehay)
    • Make cass-operator for different clusters.
    • Define the topology the same way
    • Make it easy to migrate from one operator (CassKop to Cass-Operator)
  • K8ssandra
    • Getting the k8ssandra roadmap on github using the Github Projects
      • Rough quarters on calendar year
      • At the project level so that issues can be created from roadmap into issues inside repos
      • If it doesn't have a repo, it can be a part of the Roadmap
      • How to outline what is coming up vs. being worked on
    • Making the current notes/cards into issues and assigning projects, milestones will provide a better view
    • Could we improve CLI tooling?
      • can we make it easy to run command line tools easier
      • cqlsh / nodetool
      • ephemeral containers to run commands?
  • No labels