We have often reported some stats on the Daffodil code base based on the number of lines of code of various kinds in the code base.

This allows one to create a useful pie chart that illustrates (and emphasizes) the attention to testing in the code base, and the overall size/magnitude of the code base.

We now do this with a custom version of the sbt-stats plugin.

To use it:

  1. Clone our fork of sbt-stats from the OpenDFDL sbt-stats repository at: https://github.com/OpenDFDL/sbt-stats
  2. Install it with sbt publishLocal
  3. Modify ~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/plugins.sbt to have the addSbtPlugin line:

    addSbtPlugin("com.orrsella" % "sbt-stats" % "1.0.9-SNAPSHOT")

  4. Run sbt stats on any project (Daffodil or DFDL schema project) to get the stats for that project.

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