Attendees: Matt, Vadim, James Thomas, Rob, Olivier, Dave Grove, Kerry, Chetan, Jeremias, Vincent, Dan McWeeney, Martin, Slange, Michele, Carlos, Michael Marth, Dragos, Tyson, Dan Krook, Sandeep, Naiyarah, Dan B., himavanth, BnyXXX (anonymous),
  • Vadim Raskin is moderating today
  • last meeting was 2018-02-14
Introductions of new attendees
  • Michele - been was on last call, but had audio issues... working on Go runtime (discuss today)
Open comments on status/updates in a few areas:
  • Main/core OpenWhisk (Carlos reviewing PRs since last mtg. ~2 weeks)
    • Notable changes in last 2 weeks:
      • Different groups in Kafka, in order to prevent kafka rebalancing if one of the controllers go down
      • Kafka SSL enablement (optional) b/w controllers and Kafka
      • Removed old controller “hot standby” removed now that mult. controllers is enabled
      • Intro. of Conductor action
      • New ContainerFactory for Kube 
    • Jeremias on Kube side:
      • question, Dave G. and Red Hat have been working on Kube depl. IBM is working on getting that working at IBM as well
      • struggling with customization of the depl. many config props. need to be passed to config yaml files and config maps.  Anyone else experience this and can help?  We are looking at Ansible…
      • Helm may be the way to go… any other ideas
    • Vadim: use dev. list
    • Carlos: general Kube best practices on Kube is needed (and development). Is there a “best practice” in Kube community.
  • Release process (Vincent)
    • Shares screen
    • Shows JSON file that now drives all 12 repos. that are part of the initial source code release (hashes)
    • added notice and license file verification
    • working on adding all headers (ASF license headers)
      • will document which files will require licenses and which ones will be excluded for what reason (typically not supported, affects testing or generated files).
    •  shows Apache ( test staging dir with all source TAR (Gzip) with public hashes and keys (post automation)
    • Shows release manager tutorial/runbook (11 steps) to pushing a release in release repo’s markdown.
    • People can try this “locally” or automated by submitting PR that kicks off automation
  • Go Runtime - Michele
    • UK based company, focused on devops and serverless
    • Fan of OW, I have worked for the last 2 weeks to propose and code a Go runtime
    • Shows presentation
      • Looking for good serverless on Kube
      • Why Go? it is fast! Learn, Develop, Execute and debug
      • Currently based on DockerSkeleton (SDK) in OW project
        • upload executable
        • python script “proxy" starts executable and collects output to send back
        • wanted native runtime…
        • step1: replace proxy… did not work, race conditons
        • step2: use a Go proxy
        • latest: use HTTP server: request->httpserver->stdin->fx(Go)->stdout->response
          • calls this the “pipe loop”
    • Vadim: which http server did u use?
    • Michele: Go HttpServer (GoLang includes http library, it includes a server).  You can build your entire service locally, upload as a service.
    • Vadim: other http servers possible?  Go-based httpservers have different perf. #s was surprised you reached this good perf. woth std. GO library.  Have you tried others?
    • Michele: believes std. one is quite good, will check.
    • Carlos: should examine library dependencies; should be fast init/run/exit
    • Michele: Go deps. (everything is 10 MB) but Swift ended up min. 200MB (using Swift ubuntu image)
    • Dragos: is this approach good for streaming support?
    • Michele: it is possible, but http2 or chunked impl. would be needed; missing websocket…
      • web socket server would solve these issues; now we use GoRoutine, which processes stdin, writes stdout and ends
    • Dragos: some conversations around HTTP invocations, this is helpful in that discussion
  • Composer: (Olivier)
    • Olivier: Conductor actions
      •  newly added PRs, affects OW controller
      • add to OW the ability to run “dynamic” sequences of actions (decide action to run at each step in the sequence). It is not static sequences as we have today.
      • Composer v2: is an open source lib. to make it easier to write conductor actions (not by hand, which is too hard).  Composer existed before Conductor actions.
      • Olivier will post and link his slides to "dev" list.
  • Kubernetes:
  • Mesos:
    • Note: Adobe is working hard to get their OW based platform ready for the Adobe Summit (MARCH 25–29, LAS VEGAS).
    • TBD
  • API Gateway
  • Catalog/Packages/Samples
    • No update
  • Tooling/Utilities
Confirm moderator for next call
  • Dan M. volunteers. for Mar. 14th meeting
  • No labels