测试用例编号 account_680-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_680-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 create role admin2 grant admin1 ,admin2 to user1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:13 mismatched input ',' expecting TO 测试用例编号 account_680-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 create role admin2 grant admin1 to user1 grant admin2 to user1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_680-4 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 create role admin2 grant admin3 to user1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: No such role : admin3 测试用例编号 account_680-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user0 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: No such user user0 测试用例编号 account_681-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 GRANT ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to root.ln show storage group #root root REVOKE ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to root.ln1 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.ln| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.141s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.ln| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.052s 测试用例编号 account_681-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 GRANT ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES","CREATE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 create timeseries with datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE, compression=SNAPPY tags(tag1=v1) attributes(attr1=v1) show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries #root root REVOKE ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES","CREATE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 create timeseries with datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE, compression=SNAPPY tags(tag1=v1) attributes(attr1=v1) show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ | timeseries| alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression| tags| attributes| +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ ||status| root.ln| FLOAT| RLE| SNAPPY|{"tag1":"v1"}|{"attr1":"v1"}| +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.288s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.070s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation CREATE_TIMESERIES +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.076s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation DELETE_TIMESERIES +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.076s 测试用例编号 account_681-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user2 GRANT ROLE admin2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #root root REVOKE ROLE admin2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.313s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.053s 测试用例编号 account_681-4 测试语句 REVOKE ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: 411: No such role admin1 测试用例编号 account_681-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user2 GRANT ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 REVOKE ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.089s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.052s 测试用例编号 account_681-6 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 GRANT ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group REVOKE ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.072s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| | root.sg2| +-------------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.037s 测试用例编号 account_681-7 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user2 GRANT ROLE admin2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root #user2 123456 create user user3 "123456" create role admin3 grant admin3 to user3 GRANT ROLE admin3 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user3 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 REVOKE ROLE admin3 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user3 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.250s Msg: 411: Role admin3 does not have SET_STORAGE_GROUP on root Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP 测试用例编号 account_682-1 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 #user1 123456 select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: 303: Storage group is not set for current seriesPath: [] Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:22 mismatched input 'res' expecting {FROM, ',', '.'} 测试用例编号 account_682-10 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user2 GRANT ROLE admin2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 revoke ROLE admin2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:29 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.367s Msg: 401: line 1:30 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP 测试用例编号 account_682-11 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT user user2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root show storage group #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 #user1 123456 revoke user user2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:28 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.066s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP Msg: 401: line 1:29 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.038s 测试用例编号 account_682-12 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "GRANT_USER_ROLE","REVOKE_USER_ROLE","CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user2 revoke admin2 from user2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE Msg: 411: User user2 does not have role admin2 测试用例编号 account_682-13 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_ROLE","DELETE_ROLE","LIST_ROLE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create role admin2 list role drop role admin2 list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +------+ | role| +------+ |admin1| |admin2| +------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.233s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +------+ | role| +------+ |admin1| +------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.051s 测试用例编号 account_682-14 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 GRANT role admin PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user2 GRANT role admin1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 revoke user user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.056s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| | root.sg2| +-------------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.036s 测试用例编号 account_682-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 #user1 123456 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "INSERT_TIMESERIES" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE 测试用例编号 account_682-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ || +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.052s 测试用例编号 account_682-4 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "INSERT_TIMESERIES","READ_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 insert into,ch) values (4,true) select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----------------------------+--------------+ | Time|| +-----------------------------+--------------+ |1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00| true| +-----------------------------+--------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.142s 测试用例编号 account_682-5 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "READ_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----------------------------+--------------+ | Time|| +-----------------------------+--------------+ |1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00| true| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00| false| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00| false| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00| true| +-----------------------------+--------------+ Total line number = 4 It costs 0.518s 测试用例编号 account_682-6 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ | timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ || null| root.ln| BOOLEAN| PLAIN| SNAPPY|null| null| +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.097s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.078s 测试用例编号 account_682-7 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","LIST_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123567" list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| |user2| +-----+ Total line number = 3 It costs 0.085s 测试用例编号 account_682-8 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","LIST_USER","DELETE_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123567" list user drop user user2 list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| |user2| +-----+ Total line number = 3 It costs 0.109s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.054s 测试用例编号 account_682-9 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "MODIFY_PASSWORD" on root.ln #user1 123456 ALTER USER user1 SET PASSWORD "123457" #user1 123457 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_683-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" #user1 123456 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_683-2 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: Meet error in query process: No such privilege 测试用例编号 account_683-3 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER1’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:54 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_683-4 测试语句 create role admin1 create role admin2 GRANT ROLE admin1,admin2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:17 mismatched input ',' expecting PRIVILEGES 测试用例编号 account_683-5 测试语句 create role admin1 create role admin2 GRANT ROLE admin1,admin2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER,LIST_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:17 mismatched input ',' expecting PRIVILEGES 测试用例编号 account_683-6 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER,LIST_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:63 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_683-7 测试语句 GRANT ROLE admin PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:52 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_683-8 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:54 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_683-9 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on "" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:48 mismatched input '' expecting {ON, ','} 测试用例编号 account_684-1 测试语句 create role admin1 list role drop role admin1 list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +------+ | role| +------+ |admin1| +------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.223s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |role| +----+ +----+ Empty set. It costs 0.050s 测试用例编号 account_684-2 测试语句 create role admin1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln list role drop role admin1 list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:53 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} +------+ | role| +------+ |admin1| +------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.441s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |role| +----+ +----+ Empty set. It costs 0.048s 测试用例编号 account_684-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user1 GRANT ROLE admin1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln list role drop role admin1 list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:53 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} +------+ | role| +------+ |admin1| +------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.107s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |role| +----+ +----+ Empty set. It costs 0.068s 测试用例编号 account_684-4 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin list role #user1 123456 drop role admin #root root list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | role| +-----+ |admin| +-----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.266s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation DELETE_ROLE +-----+ | role| +-----+ |admin| +-----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.051s 测试用例编号 account_684-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create user user2 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_ROLE" on root.ln; create role admin grant admin to user2 list role #user1 123456 drop role admin #root root list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | role| +-----+ |admin| +-----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.126s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |role| +----+ +----+ Empty set. It costs 0.072s 测试用例编号 account_684-6 测试语句 drop role admin cluster结果 Msg: 411: Role admin does not exist 测试用例编号 account_685-1 测试语句 create role admin create role admin cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: Role admin already exists 测试用例编号 account_685-2 测试语句 create role cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:11 missing ID at '' 测试用例编号 account_685-3 测试语句 CREATE ROLE $@@@ cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_685-4 测试语句 CREATE ROLE role cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:12 mismatched input 'role' expecting ID 测试用例编号 account_685-5 测试语句 CREATE ROLE r cluster结果 Msg: 411: Role name's size must be greater than or equal to 4 测试用例编号 account_685-6 测试语句 CREATE ROLE aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_686-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" #user1 123456 CREATE ROLE admin cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation CREATE_ROLE 测试用例编号 account_686-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_ROLE" on root.ln; #user1 123456 CREATE ROLE admin cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_686-3 测试语句 CREATE ROLE admin cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_687-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root.ln #user1 123456 set storage group to root.ln show storage group #root root REVOKE USER user1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root.ln #user1 123456 set storage group to root.ln1 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.ln| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.055s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.ln| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.037s 测试用例编号 account_687-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES","CREATE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 create timeseries with datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE, compression=SNAPPY tags(tag1=v1) attributes(attr1=v1) show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries #root root REVOKE USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES","CREATE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 create timeseries with datatype=FLOAT, encoding=RLE, compression=SNAPPY tags(tag1=v1) attributes(attr1=v1) show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ | timeseries| alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression| tags| attributes| +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ ||status| root.ln| FLOAT| RLE| SNAPPY|{"tag1":"v1"}|{"attr1":"v1"}| +--------------+------+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+-------------+--------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.258s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.071s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation CREATE_TIMESERIES +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.082s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation DELETE_TIMESERIES +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.081s 测试用例编号 account_687-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #root root REVOKE USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.184s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.053s 测试用例编号 account_687-4 测试语句 REVOKE USER root PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:12 mismatched input 'root' expecting ID 测试用例编号 account_687-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 REVOKE USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.065s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.036s 测试用例编号 account_687-6 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group REVOKE user user1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.094s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| | root.sg2| +-------------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.168s 测试用例编号 account_687-7 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT USER user2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user2 123456 create user user3 "123456" GRANT USER user3 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user3 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 REVOKE USER user3 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user3 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.207s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.036s 测试用例编号 account_688-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" #user1 123456 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_688-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: Meet error in query process: No such privilege 测试用例编号 account_688-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER1’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:53 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_688-4 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" create user user2 "123457" GRANT USER user1,user2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:16 mismatched input ',' expecting PRIVILEGES 测试用例编号 account_688-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" create user user2 "123457" GRANT USER user1,user2 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER,LIST_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:16 mismatched input ',' expecting PRIVILEGES 测试用例编号 account_688-6 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER,LIST_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:62 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_688-7 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user4 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:52 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_688-8 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on root.ln1 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:53 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_688-9 测试语句 create user user1 "123457" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER’ on cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:44 mismatched input '' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_689-1 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 #user1 123456 select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation QUERY 测试用例编号 account_689-10 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 revoke USER user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.093s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP 测试用例编号 account_689-11 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" GRANT user user2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 revoke user user2 PRIVILEGES SET_STORAGE_GROUP ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:28 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.066s Msg: 401: line 1:29 mismatched input 'SET_STORAGE_GROUP' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation SET_STORAGE_GROUP +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ +-------------+ Empty set. It costs 0.036s 测试用例编号 account_689-12 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "GRANT_USER_ROLE","REVOKE_USER_ROLE","CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin2 grant admin2 to user2 revoke admin2 from user2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE Msg: 411: User user2 does not have role admin2 测试用例编号 account_689-13 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_ROLE","DELETE_ROLE","LIST_ROLE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create role admin2 list role drop role admin2 list role cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +------+ | role| +------+ |admin2| +------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.093s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |role| +----+ +----+ Empty set. It costs 0.056s 测试用例编号 account_689-14 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT user user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","CREATE_ROLE","GRANT_USER_ROLE","GRANT_ROLE_PRIVILEGE","REVOKE_ROLE_PRIVILEGE" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123456" create role admin1 grant admin1 to user2 GRANT role admin1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg1 show storage group #user1 123456 revoke user user2 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" ON root #user2 123456 set storage group to root.sg2 show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.096s Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation REVOKE_USER_PRIVILEGE Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ | root.sg1| | root.sg2| +-------------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.051s 测试用例编号 account_689-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" #user1 123456 GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "INSERT_TIMESERIES" on root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 602: No permissions for this operation GRANT_USER_PRIVILEGE 测试用例编号 account_689-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "SET_STORAGE_GROUP" on root #user1 123456 set storage group to show storage group cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ |storage group| +-------------+ || +-------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.193s 测试用例编号 account_689-4 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "INSERT_TIMESERIES","READ_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 insert into,ch) values (4,true) select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----------------------------+--------------+ | Time|| +-----------------------------+--------------+ |1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00| true| +-----------------------------+--------------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.878s 测试用例编号 account_689-5 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "READ_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 select * from root.ln cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----------------------------+--------------+ | Time|| +-----------------------------+--------------+ |1970-01-01T08:00:00.001+08:00| true| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.002+08:00| false| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.003+08:00| false| |1970-01-01T08:00:00.004+08:00| true| +-----------------------------+--------------+ Total line number = 4 It costs 0.127s 测试用例编号 account_689-6 测试语句 create timeseries with datatype=BOOLEAN,encoding=PLAIN,COMPRESSOR=SNAPPY insert into,ch) values (1,true) insert into,ch) values (2,false) insert into,ch) values (3,0) insert into,ch) values (4,1) create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_TIMESERIES" on root.ln #user1 123456 show timeseries delete timeseries show timeseries cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ | timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ || null| root.ln| BOOLEAN| PLAIN| SNAPPY|null| null| +--------------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.111s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ |timeseries|alias|storage group|dataType|encoding|compression|tags|attributes| +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ +----------+-----+-------------+--------+--------+-----------+----+----------+ Empty set. It costs 0.069s 测试用例编号 account_689-7 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","LIST_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123567" list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| |user2| +-----+ Total line number = 3 It costs 0.166s 测试用例编号 account_689-8 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_USER","LIST_USER","DELETE_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 create user user2 "123567" list user drop user user2 list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| |user2| +-----+ Total line number = 3 It costs 0.218s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.053s 测试用例编号 account_689-9 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "MODIFY_PASSWORD" on root.ln #user1 123456 ALTER USER user1 SET PASSWORD "123457" #user1 123457 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_690-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" list user drop user user1 list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.100s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |user| +----+ |root| +----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.055s 测试用例编号 account_690-2 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "CREATE_ROLE" on root.ln list user drop user user1 list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.083s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |user| +----+ |root| +----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.053s 测试用例编号 account_690-3 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create role admin grant admin to user1 list user drop user user1 list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.153s Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |user| +----+ |root| +----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.051s 测试用例编号 account_690-4 测试语句 drop user root cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:10 mismatched input 'root' expecting ID 测试用例编号 account_690-5 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_USER","LIST_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 drop user root list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 401: line 1:10 mismatched input 'root' expecting ID +-----+ | user| +-----+ | root| |user1| +-----+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.102s 测试用例编号 account_690-6 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 drop user user1 #root root list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +----+ |user| +----+ |root| +----+ Total line number = 1 It costs 0.090s 测试用例编号 account_690-7 测试语句 drop user user1 cluster结果 Msg: 411: User user1 does not exist 测试用例编号 account_690-8 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" GRANT USER user1 PRIVILEGES "DELETE_USER" on root.ln #user1 123456 drop user user2 cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: User user2 does not exist 测试用例编号 account_691-1 测试语句 create user user1 "123456" create user user1 "123456" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. Msg: 411: User user1 already exists 测试用例编号 account_691-10 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 123456 cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:18 mismatched input '123456' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_691-11 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 "11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_691-12 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 "123456@$" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_691-2 测试语句 create user u "123456" cluster结果 Msg: 411: Username's size must be greater than or equal to 4 测试用例编号 account_691-3 测试语句 CREATE USER ln write_user "123456" cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:15 extraneous input 'write_user' expecting {DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL, SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING_LITERAL} 测试用例编号 account_691-4 测试语句 CREATE USER ln_write@$用户 "123456" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_691-5 测试语句 CREATE USER aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "123456" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_691-6 测试语句 CREATE USER user "123456" cluster结果 Msg: 401: line 1:12 mismatched input 'user' expecting ID 测试用例编号 account_691-7 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 "123" cluster结果 Msg: 411: Password's size must be greater than or equal to 4 测试用例编号 account_691-8 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 "" cluster结果 Msg: 411: Password's size must be greater than or equal to 4 测试用例编号 account_691-9 测试语句 CREATE USER user1 "123 456" cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. 测试用例编号 account_692 测试语句 CREATE USER ln_write_user "123456" list user cluster结果 Msg: The statement is executed successfully. +-------------+ | user| +-------------+ |ln_write_user| | root| +-------------+ Total line number = 2 It costs 0.076s