Training script for Bigtop workshop session # 1. Pull the container docker pull c0sin/bigtop-ignite:h26-i12-s13 # 2. Run the container docker run -t -i -d -h 'ignite.docker' c0sin/bigtop-ignite:h26-i12-s13 /bin/bash # The container will run in the daemon mode. Run docker ps --all # to find the correct container ID (one with the same image name as above) and attach to it docker attach XXX # where XXX is the ID you found above . /etc/profile.d/ cd /bigtop # 3. make sure we are on branch-1.0 git branch # 4. Repo setup # skip to step 5. if it is already added to the container image # Setup the repo for Bigtop 1.0 release cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d wget # if the signing key isn't set on your system, run the following sudo apt-get install debian-keyring gpg --recv-key 3A367EA0FA08B173 gpg --armor --export 3A367EA0FA08B173 | apt-key add - # End of repo setup # 5. Build custom package for Ignite # we'll be using Hadoop 2.6 and Spark 1.3 from the Bigtop v1.0 # we'll build our own packages for Ignite 1.4 from the master branch # You can skip the "vi" step as your image must have the change already % vi # change IGNITE_HADOOP_BASE_VERSION from 1.2.0 to 1.4; set # IGNITE_HADOOP_TARBALL_SRC=ignite-$(IGNITE_HADOOP_BASE_VERSION).tar.gz ./gradlew ignite-hadoop-apt # 6. let's do the deployment # make sure everything Puppet needs is set ./gradlew toolchain-puppetmodules # 6.1 Add locally created repo with ignite-hadoop packages in it cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bigtop-local.list << __EOF # Bigtop local repo deb file:///bigtop/output/apt bigtop contrib __EOF # 6.2 Update the packages apt-get update # 6.3 Prepare deployment files (already set in the docker image /etc/puppet/hieradata/site.yaml); # and deploy sudo puppet apply -d --confdir=bigtop-deploy/puppet \ --modulepath="bigtop-deploy/puppet/modules:/etc/puppet/modules" \ bigtop-deploy/puppet/manifests/site.pp # 7. Benchmarking # 7.0 Preparations # We need a special configuration to allow IgniteRDD to work for Spark cluster cp /bigtop/igfs-config.xml /etc/ignite-hadoop/conf/default-config.xml service ignite-hadoop restart export MR_JAR=/usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples.jar # 7.1 in-memory MR # Run traditional MR vs in-memory MR time hadoop jar $MR_JAR pi 20 20 time HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/ignite.client.conf hadoop jar $MR_JAR pi 20 20 # run IO-bound MR w/ IGFS and w/o # 7.2 Do generation time hadoop jar $MR_JAR teragen 100000 /user/root/tera.out.t time HADOOP_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/hadoop/ignite.client.conf hadoop jar $MR_JAR \ teragen 100000 /user/root/tera.out.imc # 7.3 Do sorting time hadoop jar $MR_JAR terasort /user/root/tera.out.t /user/root/sort.out.t time HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/ignite.client.conf hadoop jar $MR_JAR \ terasort /user/root/tera.out.imc /user/root/sort.out.imc # 7.4 Validate (optional) time hadoop jar $MR_JAR teravalidate /user/root/sort.out.imc \ /user/root/ time HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/ignite.client.conf hadoop jar $MR_JAR \ teravalidate /user/root/sort.out.imc /user/root/ # 8. Sharing the state between Spark jobs using Ignite Fabric # Spark 1.3.1 (w/ Ignite 1.3+) # 8.1 shutdown running Ignite service service ignite-hadoop stop ###!!! There are some permissions issues, that haven't been fixed in Bigtop 1.0 chmod a+w /usr/lib/ignite-hadoop/work/* mkdir -p /tmp/ignite/work && chmod a+w /tmp/ignite/work # 8.2 Run a server node with spark-ignite configuration sudo -u spark DEFAULT_CONFIG=/bigtop/spark-ignite-config.xml \ /usr/lib/ignite-hadoop/bin/ 2>&1 > /tmp/nshell.log & # 8.3 Start Spark Shell sudo -u spark spark-shell --packages org.apache.ignite:ignite-spark:1.4.0-SNAPSHOT \ --repositories \ --master spark://ignite.docker:7077 # 8.4 Execute these commands in the shell import org.apache.ignite.spark._ import org.apache.ignite.configuration._ val ic = new IgniteContext[Integer, Integer](sc, "/bigtop/spark-ignite-config.xml") val sharedRDD = ic.fromCache("SharedNumbers") sharedRDD.filter(_._2 < 10).collect() sharedRDD.savePairs(sc.parallelize(1 to 100000, 10).map(i => (i, i*2))) sharedRDD.filter(_._2 > 90000).count sharedRDD.sql("select count(_val) from Integer where _val > ?", 90000).collect() # 8.5 Restart (stop & start) Spark Shell with the command 8.3 # Note that commands below don't store state, only read the data from existing Ignite cache # 8.6 Execute these commands import org.apache.ignite.spark._ import org.apache.ignite.configuration._ val ic = new IgniteContext[Integer, Integer](sc, "/bigtop/spark-ignite-config.xml") val sharedRDD = ic.fromCache("SharedNumbers") // Now it just works with the data which has been stored in the cache already sharedRDD.filter(_._2 > 90000).count sharedRDD.sql("select count(_val) from Integer where _val > ?", 90000).collect() # The end