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Table of Contents
2.1.3 (January 17th, 2019)

Apache Syncope 2.1.3 Fusion is the third maintenance release of Apache Syncope 2.1, with several fixes and improvements.

titleUpgrade procedure

Upgrading from 2.1.2? There are some notes about this process.

New and noteworthy

Support for PostgreSQL JSONB Data Type

With general purpose of increasing overall performance, and specific target of making Syncope able to scale up to million identities, support for PostgreSQL JSONB data type was introduced.

Performance test results are available.

Configuration options to enable such support are documented in the Reference Guide.

Search Improvements

Various fixes and enhancements finally landed that significantly improve User, Group, Any Object and Task search operations, both in performance and consistence terms; see SYNCOPE-1417SYNCOPE-1419SYNCOPE-1412 and SYNCOPE-1424 for details.

After Enduser UI, now also Admin Console is accessible to the visually impaired

Now both Admin Console and Enduser UI implement accessibility features to help usage by the visually impaired.



  • [SYNCOPE-1391] - Check template for confirmPasswordReset and mustChangePassword
  • [SYNCOPE-1393] - jexl function fullPath2Dn return invalid value for ROOT realm
  • [SYNCOPE-1399] - Error while executing the custom task to initialize indices with Elasticsearch v6.x
  • [SYNCOPE-1404] - Dialog not closing in Netbeans ide plugin when creating a new element
  • [SYNCOPE-1405] - Error during db initialization: views.xml always set for PostgreSQL
  • [SYNCOPE-1406] - Error during startup because of missing property 'historyLevel'
  • [SYNCOPE-1407] - Date pattern ignored by widget
  • [SYNCOPE-1408] - Partial user edit via Role layout implies removing all unmanaged attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1411] - User/Any object updates generate attributes with null owner in case of patches involving membership attributes
  • [SYNCOPE-1417] - Search with order by two plain attributes gives no results
  • [SYNCOPE-1419] - User and AnyObject search fails in case of not leaf conditions given on multivalue fields
  • [SYNCOPE-1420] - Expired Access Tokens might impede successful authentication
  • [SYNCOPE-1425] - Mapping item transformers do not work for non-string values


titleUpgrade procedure

Upgrading from 2.1.1? There are some notes about this process.

New and noteworthy

Request Management

Request management is a key-feature of Identity Governance and allows to define and manage, in a structured way, whatever process intended to update identity attributes, memberships and relationships.
Request examples are "assign mobile phone", "grant groups on AD" or "consent access to application".


titleUpgrade procedure

Upgrading from 2.1.0? There are some notes about this process.

New and noteworthy


Batch requests allow grouping multiple operations into a single HTTP request payload.
A batch request is represented as a Multipart MIME v1.0 message, a standard format allowing the representation of multiple parts, each of which may have a different content type (currently JSON, YAML or XML), within a single request.



Simply put, Syncope 2.1 Fusion is Syncope 2.0 Jazz on steroids.

New and noteworthy

Apache Groovy-based customizations
