- Create a Dynamic Web Project
- Select File --> New, select Other...
- In the popup window select Web --> Dynamic Web Project category and click Next.
- Type in jaxws-calculator as the Project name: and select Next
- Make sure Generate Deployment Descriptor is selected and click Next.
- Modify the Group Id to: org.apache.geronimo.samples.jws and Artifact Id to: Calculator.
Info title Useful Information Group ID: A name that identifies the group of a module. The default value is default.
Artifact ID: A name of the module in a group. The default value is <blank>.
Version: The version of module. The default value is 1.0
Type: The type of module, such as system module (car), jar module (jar), web
archive (war), enterprise archive (ear), and so on. The default value is car
A module is stored inside a repository as repository/groupId/artifactId/version/artifactIdversion.
type. This repository structure gives a more standardized and easily maintainable
structure to Geronimo applications.
- Select File --> New, select Other...
- Axis2 Configuration:
- Select Window --> Preferences.
- Select Web Services --> Axis2 Preferences.
- Under Axis2 Runtime tab, browse to the installation root of the Axis2 runtime installation to be used in Eclipse. Select Ok.
Info title Useful Information A separate Axis2 runtime is required for use by the Eclipse Axis2 project facet. You can download the Axis2 1.3 binaries (axis2-1.3-bin.zip) from the following URL:
Unzip the downloaded binary and remember where you install it.
- Select Window --> Preferences.
- Right-click on the jaxws-calculator project and select Properties, then select Project Facets
- On the next screen check the box for Axis2 Web Services
- Select Finish.
This completes the configuration of Eclipse for application development.
- On the next screen check the box for Axis2 Web Services