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Although the tools name is self-explanatory, it may not be the same case with the tool's parameters. The following sections explain more in detail these tools and commands usage.


The jaxws-tools command can be used to generate portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. For example, portable artifacts such as Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) class, Service class, JAXB generated value types, etc.

This command has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup
{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools toolName \[toolOptions\] ...*}}

Where toolName can be either:

  • #wsgen - generate portable artifacts from Java
  • #wsimport - generate portable artifacts from WSDL

The jaxws-tools command can also be started by using the java -jar command:

Wiki Markup
{{{*}java \-Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed \-jar bin/jaxws-tools.jar toolName \[toolOptions\] ...*}}


The jaxws-tools uses the wsgen tool provided by Sun to generate the portable artifacts from Java class. The wsgen tools has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup
{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsgen \[options\] <SEI>*}}

  • -classpath <path>
    Specifies where to find input class files.
  • -d <directory>
    Specifies where to place generated output files.
  • -keep
    Keep generated files.
  • -r <directory>
    Specifies where to place resource files such as WSDLs.
  • -s <directory>
    Specifies where to place generated source files.
  • -wsdl
    Generate a WSDL file.
  • -servicename <name>
    Specifies the Service name to use in the generated WSDL (used in conjunction with the -wsdl option).
  • -portname <name>
    Specifies the Port name to use in the generated WSD (used in conjunction with the -wsdl option).


Code Block

<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsgen -d output -keep -wsdl -classpath . foo.BarService


The jaxws-tools uses the wsimport tool provided by Sun to generate the portable artifacts from WSDL. The wsimport has the following syntax:

Wiki Markup
{{*<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsimport \[options\] <WSDL_URI>*}}

  • -d <directory>
    Specifies where to place generated output files.
  • -keep
    Keep generated files.
  • -p <pkg>
    Specifies the target package.
  • -s <directory>
    Specifies where to place generated source files.
  • -wsdllocation <location>
    Specified @WebService.wsdlLocation and @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation value.


Code Block

<geronimo_home>/bin/jaxws-tools wsimport -d output -keep http://localhost:8080/foo/Bar?wsdl