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No Format
$ zkcli -h kafka-zk-host1 ls /kafka-cluster/admin/

# Current pending reassignment(s)
$ zkcli -h kafka-zk-host1 get /kafka-cluster/admin/reassign_partitions
('{"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"test_topic","partition":25,"replicas":[1,2,4],"original_replicas":[1,2,3]}]}', ZnodeStat(czxid=17180484637, mzxid=17180484641, ctime=1549498790668, mtime=1549498790680, version=1, cversion=0, aversion=0, ephemeralOwner=0, dataLength=148, numChildren=0, pzxid=17180484637))

$ /usr/lib/kafka/bin/  --zookeeper kafka-zk-host1/kafka-cluster --cancel
Rolling back the current pending reassignments Map(test_topic-25 -> Map(replicas -> Buffer(1, 2, 4), original_replicas -> Buffer(1, 2, 3)))
Successfully submitted cancellation of reassignments.

# This is just for illustration purpose.  In reality, the cancellation of reassignments should be pretty quick. 
# The below listing of /admin might not even show cancel_reassignment_in_progress & reassign_partitions
$ zkcli -h kafka-zk-host1 ls /kafka-cluster/admin/

# After reassignment cancellation is complete.  The ZK node  /admin/cancel_reassignment_in_progress  & /admin/reassign_partitions are gone.
$ zkcli -h kafka-zk-host1 ls /kafka-cluster/admin/

If the pending reassignments have throttle,  the throttle will be removed after the reassignments are cancelled.   However for the reassignments already completed,  the user would need to remove their throttle by running the --verify

Planned Future Changes 

New reassignments while existing reassignments in-flight  
