hive.sql.database.type: MYSQL, POSTGRES, ORACLE, MSSQL, DERBY
hive.sql.jdbc.url: jdbc connection string
hive.sql.jdbc.driver: jdbc driver class
Hivehive.sql.dbcp.username: jdbc user name
hive.sql.dbcp.password: jdbc password in clear text, this parameter is strongly discouraged. The recommended way is to store it in a keystore. See the section “securing password” for detail
hive.sql.table / hive.sql.query: You will need to specify either “hive.sql.table” or “hive.sql.query” to tell how to get data from jdbc database. “hive.sql.table” denotes a single table, and “hive.sql.query” denotes an arbitrary sql query.
Besides the above required properties, you can also specify optional parameters to tune the connection details and performance:
hive.sql.catalog: jdbc catalog name
hive.sql.schema: jdbc schema name
hive.sql.jdbc.fetch.size: number of rows to fetch in a batch
hive.sql.dbcp.xxx: all dbcp parameters will pass to commons-dbcp. See https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbcp/configuration.html for definition of the parameters. For example, if you specify hive.sql.dbcp.maxActive=1 in table property, Hive will pass maxActive=1 to commons-dbcp
Supported Data Type
The column data type for a Hive JdbcStorageHandler table can be: