Versions Compared


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This change is backwards compatible with previous versions. If the broker does not support follower fetching, the consumer will revert to the old behavior of fetching from the leader.

Rejected Alternatives

  • Consumer Replica Selection: The first iteration of this KIP proposed to let the consumer decide which replica to fetch from using a similar pluggable interface. Ultimately we felt it was easier to reason about the system in a multi-tenant environment when replica selection logic could be controlled by the broker. It is much more difficult to coordinate common client selection logic through a plugin since it involves coordinating dependencies and configuration across many applications.
  • Handling Old Fetch Versions: We have considered allowing the consumer to use older versions of the Fetch API. The only complication is that older versions will not allow us to use the more specific out of range error codes. This complicates out of range handling because we do not know whether we should expect the out of range offset to exist on the leader or not. If the offset is too small on the follower, it may still be in range on the leader. One option is to always do offset reconciliation on the replica that the consumer is fetching from. The downside of this is that we cannot detect situations when the consumer has seen a later offset than a replica due to stale propagation of the ISR state. 
  • Improved Log Start Offset Handling: We have mentioned the difficulty of reasoning about the consistency of the log start offset due to the fact that the retention is enforced independently by all replicas. One option we have considered is to only allow the leader to enforce retention and to rely only on the propagation of the log start offset in the Fetch response for follower deletion. In principle, this would give us the guarantee that the log start offset of a follower should always be less than or equal to that of the leader. However, unless we make log start offset acknowledgement a criteria for ISR membership, we cannot actually guarantee this. In the case of multiple leader elections occurring in a short time period, it is possible for this guarantee to be violated. Nevertheless, we think it may still be a good idea to rely on log start offset propagation for follower deletion, but we will consider this separately.