Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * Check to see if Tomcat is UP/DOWN.
 * This parses the server.xml file for the Tomcat admin port and see if
 * we can connect to it. If we can, then the Tomcat is UP otherwise it
 * is DOWN
 * It is invoked as follows:
 *    java -Dcatalina.base=c:/tomcat-6.0.10 CatalinaStatus
 * It can also (optionally) shutdown the Tomcat by adding the shutdown
 * command line parameter as follows:
 *    java -Dcatalina.base=c:/tomcat-6.0.10 CatalinaStatus shutdown
 * @author Shiraz Kanga <skanga at>
public class CatalinaStatus
   * Pathname to the server configuration file.
  protected static String configFile = "conf/server.xml";
  protected static String serverShutdown;
  protected static int serverPort;

   * The application main program.
   * @param args Command line arguments
  public static void main (String args[])
    Document configDom = getXmlDom (configFile ());
    parseDocument (configDom);
    // System.out.println ("Catalina.serverPort: " + serverPort);
    // System.out.println ("Catalina.serverShutdown: " + serverShutdown);

    // Stop the existing server
      Socket localSocket = new Socket ("", serverPort);
      System.err.println ("Server status:  UP");
      if ((args.length > 0) && (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase ("shutdown")))
        System.out.println ("Tomcat shutdown initiated" );
        doShutdown (localSocket);

      localSocket.close ();
    catch (IOException e)
      System.err.println ("Server status:  DOWN");

   * Return a File object representing our configuration file.
  protected static File configFile ()
    File confFile = new File (configFile);
    if (!confFile.isAbsolute())
      confFile = new File (System.getProperty ("catalina.base"), configFile);
    return (confFile);

   * Parses an XML file and returns a DOM document.
  public static Document getXmlDom (File fileName)
      // Create a builder factory
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance ();

      // Create the builder and parse the file
      Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder ().parse (fileName);
      return doc;
    catch (SAXException e)
      // A parsing error occurred; the xml input is not valid
      e.printStackTrace ();
    catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
      e.printStackTrace ();
    catch (IOException e)
      e.printStackTrace ();
    return null;

   * Extract the server port & shutdown command from the DOM
  private static void parseDocument (Document configDom)
    //get the root element which is Server Eg: <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">

    Element docEle = configDom.getDocumentElement ();
    serverPort = new Integer (docEle.getAttribute ("port")).intValue ();
    serverShutdown = docEle.getAttribute ("shutdown");

   * Send the shutdown command to the server
  private static void doShutdown (Socket localSocket)
      OutputStream outStream = localSocket.getOutputStream ();

      for (int i = 0; i < serverShutdown.length (); i++)
        outStream.write (serverShutdown.charAt (i));
      outStream.flush ();
      outStream.close ();
    catch (IOException e)
      System.out.println ("ERROR: I/O Exception during server shutdown.");
      e.printStackTrace ();

Where and how do I set memory related settings to improve Tomcat performance?

When your web application is using large memory as this memory size default setting can be too small, 64MB by default,thus the application becomes slower because the garbage collector is invoked more often, and it can even run out of memory (outofmemory / heap space error ). One way to address this problem is to set a larger heap size . In Windows system, this can be done by editing / adding JAVA_OPTS variable (should be early in the file) in CATALINA_HOME/bin/catalina.bat or for Linux/Unix systems.Parameters to be added are , let say you want to increase it to 256 MB (as you required but make sure you have enough amount of physical memory/RAM) , use '-Xms256m -Xmx256m' .In some cases , it is better to set slightly lower size for -Xms . There are other parameters can be added , some of them :'-XX:MaxNewSize -XX:NewSize -XX:MaxPermSize' , depending on your application and requirements .

For catalina.bat there now should be a line in the file that looks like this:

No Format
 set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx256m 


No Format
 JAVA_OPTS='-Xms256m -Xmx256m' 

For other parameters , Google and Yahoo are your friends.