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Wiki Markup
Configuring Tomcat and IIS is documented at \[ the IIS Howto page\] . The instructions there work fine, but there is a \[ setup program\] which allows you to skip steps 1 through 67 in the "Configuring the ISAPI Redirector" section of this page. Also, stepsstep 7 and 8 can be done using a VBScript file like this:

No Format
'Taken from and
' or Google the Microsoft web site for "Creating Sites and Virtual Directories Using ADSI" and "Enabling ISAPI Filters Using ADSI"
' with 
' and

Option Explicit
Dim IIsPath
Dim ConnectorPath
Dim IIsWebVDirRootObj
Dim IIsWebVDirObj

Dim FiltersObj 
Dim FilterObj 
Dim LoadOrder 
Dim Name 'of the filter and the virtual directory
Dim DLLName

'Double-check this path
ConnectorPath = "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin\"
'Configure the first (default) web site on a machine. Change to "2" for the second web site, etc.
IIsPath = "IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/"

Name = "jakarta"
DLLName = "isapi_redirect.dll"

'This next section is commented out because you don't need to add the virtual directory - the setup.exe does that for you.
'Create an instance of the virtual directory object  
'Set IIsWebVDirRootObj = GetObject(IIsPath & "Root") 

'Use the Windows ADSI container object "Create" method to create  
' a new virtual directory. 
'Set IIsWebVDirObj = IIsWebVDirRootObj.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir", Name) 

'Set some required properties.
'IIsWebVDirObj.Put "Path", ConnectorPath
'IIsWebVDirObj.Put "AccessRead", True
'IIsWebVDirObj.Put "AccessScript", True

'Save the data to the metabase.

'Configure the filter order (add it at the bottom of the list)
Set FiltersObj = GetObject(IIsPath & "Filters")
LoadOrder = FiltersObj.FilterLoadOrder
If LoadOrder <> "" Then
  LoadOrder = LoadOrder & ","
End If
LoadOrder = LoadOrder & Name 
FiltersObj.FilterLoadOrder = LoadOrder 

'Actually create the filter
'ToDo: set priority. This might be possible with the FilterFlags property, but the IIS doc says:
' "Because this property is internally configured by IIS, you should consider it to be read-only. Do not configure this property."
Set FilterObj = FiltersObj.Create("IIsFilter", Name) 
FilterObj.FilterPath = ConnectorPath & DLLName 
