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Comment: added text for programmatic Web Service Extension entry into IIS 6.0


No Format
'Taken from and
' or Google the Microsoft web site for "Creating Sites and Virtual Directories Using ADSI" and "Enabling ISAPI Filters Using ADSI"
' with 
' and

Option Explicit
Dim IIsPath
Dim ConnectorPath

Dim FiltersObj 
Dim FilterObj 
Dim LoadOrder 
Dim Name 'of the filter and the virtual directory
Dim DLLName

'Double-check this path
ConnectorPath = "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin\"
'Configure the first (default) web site on a machine. Change to "2" for the second web site, etc.
IIsPath = "IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/"

Name = "jakarta"
DLLName = "isapi_redirect.dll"

'Configure the filter order (add it at the bottom of the list)
Set FiltersObj = GetObject(IIsPath & "Filters")
LoadOrder = FiltersObj.FilterLoadOrder
If LoadOrder <> "" Then
  LoadOrder = LoadOrder & ","
End If
LoadOrder = LoadOrder & Name 
FiltersObj.FilterLoadOrder = LoadOrder 

'Actually create the filter
'ToDo: set priority. This might be possible with the FilterFlags property, but the IIS doc says:
' "Because this property is internally configured by IIS, you should consider it to be read-only. Do not configure this property."
Set FilterObj = FiltersObj.Create("IIsFilter", Name) 
FilterObj.FilterPath = ConnectorPath & DLLName 

Save this script to a file with a VBS extension. Open it in Notepad and verify that the Connector{{`Path ConnectorPath variable is correct for your connector installation. Then open a command prompt and run it with the cscript interpreter: }}cscript filename.vbs` vbs . Restart IIS, and test the connector as mentioned in the Howto (go to http://localhost/servlets-examples/ ).


1) open the IIS Manager and go to the Web Service Extensions item under the appropriate server 2) Click the "Add a new Web service extension" item under "Tasks" 3) Give it a name like "jakarta" 4) Browse to the isapi_redirect.dll file you installed above as a "Required File" 5) Check the box to enable this extension

Added by Tony.Britton on 12/11/2009:

To add the Jakarta WSE programmatically, run the following line at a command prompt:
(Change the File Path/File Name as appropriate)

No Format

cscript.exe //NOLOGO iisext.vbs /AddFile "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi Redirector\bin\isapi_redirect.dll" 1 jakarta 1 jakarta


Added by MaiPiu on 12 May 2006
