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Presentation — 60 minutes Description
Apache Tomcat 7.0 is a Servlet container for the Servlet 3.0 specification. One of the more exiciting features in this new specification is the standard support for asynchronous servlet processing. In this session we will take a look at the asynchronous servlet API, the reasoning behind, its benefits and short falls. We will also take a look at the extensions and different methods Apache Tomcat 7 provides to meet some of these short falls.

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Here are the not-selected (by the planners) sessions that could go in the tomcat track:
 mod_proxy versus mod_jk. Clustering with HTTP Server as front-end.   \[acus2009 440\] by Jean-Frederic Clere

Presentation — 60 minutes Description
There is often the question among users what should I use: mod_proxy or mod_jk? Mod_jk looks a kind of toolbox for integrating Tomcat application in web server and mod_proxy looks more than a straight forward loadbalancer. This presentation will try to help to choose the best module depending on the application structure. The goal of the two reverse proxy modules are different therefore they will continue existing and exchanging features. Now everyone will be able to choose the technology that fits their needs. Presenter Bio Jean-Frederic has spent more than 20 years writing client/server software. He is committer in APR, Jakarta, Httpd and Tomcat and he likes complex projects where different languages and machines are involved. Borne in France, Jean-Frederic lived in Barcelona (Spain) for 14 years. Since May 2006 he lives in Neuchatel (Switzerland) where he works for RedHat in the JBoss division.

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 Using Tomcat-Native with Comet/Asynch call in Servlet 3.0   \[acus2009 441\] by Jean-Frederic Clere

Presentation — 60 minutes Description
Browsers and web servers are standards and the need for instantaneous data exchange has grown. AJAX for example allows web clients to communicate "asynchronously" withremote web servers. Comet is a Tomcat 6 feature that goes beyond AJAX and allow real asynchronous unidirectional and bi-directional connections between client and server using the HTTPprotocol and Servlets. Servlet 3.0 SPEC's are also providing asynchronous calls see what is possible do with them. Tomcat-Native is a Tomcat sub-project that provides a non-blocking and very efficient SSL connections. Tomcat-Native relies on the APR (Apache Portable Runtime) for Socket input/output and use OpenSSL to make the cryptographic layers. Comparison of the performance of Tomcat, Tomcat + APR and httpd.