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Either or custom type can be returned. can be used to set the HTTP response code, headers and entity. JAX-RS MessageBodyReaders (see below) are in charge of serializing the response entities, those which are returned directly or as part of

Exception handling

One can either throw an unchecked WebApplicationException or return Response with a proper error code set.
The former option may be a better option one when no JAX-RS types can be added to method signatures.


In this case a template variable id available from a root class annotation is mapped to a parameter of type Long, while a name variable is mapped to a parameter of type String.

QueryParam@QueryParam, @HttpHeader, HttpHeader@MatrixParam, MatrixParam @FormParam and CookieParam @CookieParam annotations are also supported.
Parameters can be of type String or of any type that have constructors accepting a String parameter or static valueOf(String s) methods. JAX-RS PathSegment is also supported. A sequence of identically named parameters (queries, headers, etc) can be mapped to List or Set or SortedSet.


Code Block

    public Response updateCustomer(@DefaultValue("123") @QueryParam("id") Long id, @PathParam("name") String name) { ... }


There's also a CXF extension which makes it possible to inject a sequence of Path or Query @PathParam, @QueryParam, @FormParam or @MatrixParam parameters into a bean. For ex :

Code Block

public class CustomerService {

    public Response updateCustomer(@PathParam("") Customer customer) {
public  class Customer { @Path("/order")
    public Response getCustomerOrder(@PathParam("id") int customerId, 
                                     @QueryParam("") OrderBean bean,
                                     @MatrixParam("") OrderBean bean) {

    public Response addCustomerOrder(@PathParam("id") int customerId,
                                     @FormParam("") OrderBean bean) {

public class Customer {
   public void setId(Long id) {...}
   public void setName(String s) {...}  

public class OrderBean {
   public void setId(Long id) {...}
   public void setNamesetWeight(Stringint sw) {...}  

Note that there's a single @PathParam with an empty value in updateCustomer() - this is an extension bit. The value for a template variable 'id' is injected into Customer.setId(Long id), while the value for 'name' is injected into Customer.setName(String s). The setter methods should have a single parameter, the conversion from the actual value to the parameter instance follows the same procedure as outlined above.

Similarly, in getCustomerOrder(), OrderBean can be injected with corresponding values from a query string like ?id=1&weight=2 or from matrix parameters set as part of one of the path segments : /customer/1/order;id=1;weight=2. Likewise, in addCustomerOrder(), FormParam("") can capture all the values submitted from an HTML form and inject them into OrderBean.

Starting from JAX-RS 0.8, it's also possible to inject all types of parameters into fields or through dedicated setters. For ex, the first code fragment in this section can be rewritten like this :
