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A resource class is a Java class annotated with JAX-RS annotations to represent a Web resource. Two types of resource classes available : root resource classes and subresource classes. A root resource class is annotated at least with a @Path annotation, while subresource classes typically have no root @Path values. A typical root resource class in JAX-RS looks like this below:


While having @Provider-annotated providers automatically registered is a handy feature indeed, sometimes it might actually be problematic.
For ex, in a large project user providers from different libraries might clash. Also, with a

When using the custom configuration (as shown above) a different type of provider provider instances of different types (handling the same format of request/response bodies) or differently configured instances of the same type can be registered with a different jaxrs:server instance.

Customizing media types for message body providers

Support for data bindings

JAXB support

Yet another requirement might be to have only a given jaxrs:server endpoint among multiple available ones to handle requests with a given media type :

Code Block

<jaxrs:server id="customerService1" address="/1">
   <bean id="serviceBean" class="org.CustomerService" /> 

      <ref bean="serviceBean"/>

      <bean class=""/>
<jaxrs:server id="customerService2" address="/2">
      <ref bean="serviceBean"/>

      <bean id="isProvider" class=""/>

<jaxrs:server id="customerService3" address="/3">
      <ref bean="serviceBean"/>

      <ref bean="isProvider"/>

<bean id="isProvider" class="">
   <property name="limit" value="5"/>


In this example a single service bean can be accessed through 3 different paths, /1, /2 and /3. InputStream provider is available on all the 3 paths. is used in 2 cases, while a special InputStream handler from another library is also involved in one case.

Customizing media types for message body providers

As explained above, message body providers can play a major part in affecting the way target resource methods are matched.

Support for data bindings

JAXB support

The request and response The request and response can be marshalled and unmarshalled to/from Java object using JAXB.


Using this option is handy when you have multiple bindings involved which support the schema validation. In this case
individual MessageBodyReader implementations which have a method setSchemas(List<Sring> schemaLocations) called. Default JAXBElementProvider and JSONProvider which rely on JAXB can be enabled to do the validation this way. In the above example two schema documents are provided, with b.xsd schema presumably importing a.xsd

2. Configuring providers individually

Please see this example of how both JAXB and JSON providers are using a shared schema validation configuration.

Content type negotiation

One of the coolest thing of REST is that the same resource can be served using multiple representations. @Produces and @Consumes annotations are used to declare the supported request and response media types.
