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Comment: updated for latest 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT builds


This chapter will demonstrate how to add additional features from a remote maven repository to a default installation of the ServiceMix Kernel.


Last updated January 13, 2009 using smx4knl 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Adding additional maven repositories

The following steps will add in the missing OPS4J and Apache Snapshot maven repositories (. Note - this has been fixed in the 1.1.0 release and can be skipped.)

  1. Edit the following file -
    No Format
  2. Update org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories to include the OPS4J and Apache Snapshot repos -
    No Format
    org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories=file:${user.home}/.m2/repository@snapshots,,,<at:var at:name="snapshots" />noreleases


  1. Start the ServiceMix Kernel
    No Format
    cd bin
    ./servicemix or servicemix.bat
  2. Add the following feature install locations
    No Format
    servicemix> features /addUrl mvn:org.apache.servicemix.nmr/apache-servicemix-nmr/1.0.0-m3m4/xml/features
    servicemix> features /addUrl mvn:org.apache.servicemix.features/apache-servicemix/4.0-m2-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
  3. Verify the feature URLs were added -
    No Format
    servicemix> features /listUrl

Installing a new feature (web)


  1. List the available features -
    No Format
    servicemix> features /list
     State        Name
    . . .
    [uninstalled] web
    . . .
  2. Install the web feature (and the sub-features it requires) -
    No Format
    servicemix> features /install web
  3. Verify the features were installed
    No Format
    servicemix> features /list
     State        Name
    . . .
    [installed  ] web-core
    [installed  ] web
    . . .
  4. Verify the installed bundles were started
    No Format
    servicemix> osgi /list
       ID   State         Level  Name
    . . .
    [  29] [Active     ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jetty-6.1.12rc114 (
    [  30] [Active     ] [   50] OPS4J Pax Web - Web Container (0.4.1)
    [  31] [Active     ] [   50] OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (0.4.1)
    [  32] [Active     ] [   50] OPS4J Pax Web Extender - WAR (0.3.0)
    [  33] [Active     ] [   50] OPS4J Pax Web Extender - Whiteboard (0.3.0)
    [  34] [Active     ] [   50] OPS4J Pax Url - war:, war-i: (0.3.2)
    [  35] [Active     ] [   50] Apache ServiceMix WAR Deployer (4.0.0.m2-SNAPSHOT)
    . . .
  5. The Jetty server should now be listening on http://localhost:8080/, but with no published applications available.
    No Format
    HTTP ERROR: 404
    Powered by jetty://
