Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
user = username[@domain[/realm]]
user-list = user1 user2 user3 ...
group-name-list = group1 group2 group3 ...

group <group-name> = [user-list] [group-name-list]

permission = [allow|allow-log|deny|deny-log]
action = [consume|publish|create|access|bind|unbind|delete|purge|update]
object = [virtualhost|queue|exchange|broker|link|route|method]
property = [name|durable|owner|routingkey|passive|autodelete|exclusive|type|alternate|queuename|schemapackage|schemaclass]

acl permission {<group-name>|<user-name>|"all"} {action|"all"} [object|"all"] [property=<property-value>]


The new ACL file format needs to perform validation on the acl rules. The validation should be performed depending on the set value:

The default setting should be 'warn'

On validation of this acl the following checks would be expected:

Code Block

acl allow client publish routingkey=exampleQueue
  1. The If the user 'client' cannot be found, if the authentication mechanism cannot be queried then a 'user' value should be added to the file.
  2. There is an exchange called ''
  3. There is a queue bound to 'exampleQueue' on ''

Each of these checks that fail will result in a log statement being generated.

In the case of a fatal logging the full file will be validated before the broker shuts down.

Example file:

Code Block
# Some Users
user ted@QPID
user martin@QPID
user kim@QPID
user rob@QPID
user tom@QPID
user andrew@QPID
user debbie@QPID

# Some groups
group admin ted@QPID martin@QPID
group user-consume martin@QPID ted@QPID
group group2 kim@QPID user-consume rob@QPID
group publisher group2 \
                tom@QPID andrew@QPID debbie@QPID

# Some rules
acl allow carlt@QPID create exchange name=carl.*
acl deny rob@QPID create queue
acl allow guest@QPID bind exchange name=amq.topic  owner=self
acl allow user-consume create queue name=tmp.*

acl allow publisher publish all durable=false
acl allow publisher create queue name=RequestQueue
acl allow consumer consume queue durable=true
acl allow fred@QPID create all
acl allow bob@QPID all queue
acl allow admin all
acl deny kim@QPID all
acl allow all consume queue owner=self
acl allow all bind exchange owner=self

# Last (default) rule
acl deny all all
