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Synchronous Console Operations

The Python console API for QMF can be used in a synchronous style, an asynchronous style, or a combination of both. Synchronous operations are conceptually simple and are well suited for user-interactive tasks. All operations are performed in the context of a Python function call. If communication over the message bus is required to complete an operation, the function call blocks and waits for the expected result (or timeout failure) before returning control to the caller.

Creating a QMF Console Session and Attaching to a Broker

For the purposes of this tutorial, code examples will be shown as they are entered in an interactive python session.

No Format

$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 30 2008, 15:41:38) 
[GCC 4.3.2 20080917 (Red Hat 4.3.2-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

We will begin by importing the required libraries. If the Python client is properly installed, these libraries will be found normally by the Python interpreter.

No Format

>>> from qmf.console import Session

We must now create a Session object to manage this QMF console session.

No Format

>>> sess = Session()

If no arguments are supplied to the creation of Session, it defaults to synchronous-only operation. It also defaults to user-management of connections. More on this in a moment.

We will now establish a connection to the messaging broker. If the broker daemon is running on the local host, simply use the following:

No Format

>>> broker = sess.addBroker()

If the messaging broker is on a remote host, supply the URL to the broker in the addBroker function call. Here's how to connect to a local broker using the URL.

No Format

>>> broker = sess.addBroker("amqp://localhost")

Accessing Managed Objects
