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FAQ / Known Issues


  1. What are the known issues in any given Tomcat version?
  2. What are the known issues with the Oracle JRE?
  3. What are the known issues with the OpenJDK?
  4. I'm using the Java ImageIO to dynamically serve images and get strange Exceptions from time to time. Is this a bug in Tomcat?



What are the known issues in any given Tomcat version?

To determine the known issues for any given Tomcat version, you'll need to review the following:

  • The currently open bugs and enhancement requests in Bugzilla
  • The latest (from svn) change log entries for all newer versions

See chapter Looking for known issues on Tomcat web site.


What are the known issues with the Oracle JRE?


What are the known issues with the OpenJDK?

  • There have been reports that java.util.logging does not work properly in OpenJDK and OpenJDK6 1.6.0_32. The symptom is "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" errors when you start Tomcat. See these threads from March 2013 and July 2013. This issue was absent in earlier versions and should be fixed in a later version of those JDKs.


I'm using the Java ImageIO to dynamically serve images and get strange Exceptions from time to time. Is this a bug in Tomcat?

Imagine you have a servlet which dynamically generates images and serves them via javax.imageio.ImageIO. To write the image to the OutputStream, perhaps you are doing something like this:


    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        BufferedImage img = createMyImage(); // makes a BufferedImage
        try (OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream()) { // try-with-resources
            ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", out);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // Client aborted connection


Now, although there shouldn't be any Exception logged (because the IOException which occurs when the client aborted the connection is ignored), you see strange Exceptions in Tomcat's log which may belong to other Servlets/JSP (at least with Sun/Oracle JVM on Windows), saying that the response has already been committed, although you didn't write anything to it at that time. For example:



13.07.2011 00:13:51 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [myApp.MyServlet] in context with path [] threw exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot create a session after the response has been committed
	at org.apache.catalina.connector.Request.doGetSession(


or maybe you use the ISAPI Redirector for IIS on Windows, and get these logs:



[Tue Jul 12 06:04:49.812 2011] [4124:2444] [error] ajp_connection_tcp_get_message::jk_ajp_common.c (1296): wrong message format 0xdaed from


Is this a bug in Tomcat?

Actually, it's a bug (or at least a strange behavior) in the Java ImageIO. When the ImageIO writes to an OutputStream and gets an IOException during writing, it could happen that some later time, when the ImageWriter is garbage-collected, the flush() method is called on that OutputStream. Tomcat recycles OutputStream objects to save resources, so it could be that when flush() is called from the ImageIO, the particular OutputStream object already belongs to another Response, which can produce the above errors, when the Servlet tries to get a Session for example, or can generally lead to broken responses.


To resolve this, I'm using an OutputStream decorator class which decorates Tomcat's OutputStream and prevents any flush() calls. Additionally, when close() is called on that Stream, it nulls-out the reference to Tomcat's OutputStream and prevents any other operations:


 * A OutputStream which can be used to write Images
 * with the ImageIO in servlets.
public class MyImageIOOutputStream extends OutputStream {

    private OutputStream out;
    private volatile boolean isActive = true;

    public MyImageIOOutputStream(OutputStream out) {
        this.out = out;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (isActive) {
            isActive = false; // deactivate
            try {
            } finally {
                out = null;

    public void flush() throws IOException {
      if(isActive) {
      // otherwise do nothing (prevent polluting the stream)

    public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        if (isActive)
            out.write(b, off, len);

    public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
        if (isActive)

    public void write(int b) throws IOException {
        if (isActive)



Now you just have to use this Decorater class instead of using Tomcat's OutputStream directly:


        try (OutputStream out = new MyImageIOOutputStream(response.getOutputStream())) {
            ImageIO.write(img, "PNG", out);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // Client aborted connection


and the errors should be gone away.
