This page describes how to move a component from the commons sandbox to the commons proper. This page assumes you're already an Apache committer with karma for both jakarta- commons and jakarta- commons-sandbox. If you don't have karma, ask for it or get someone to help you.
- Start vote on commons- dev mailing list, stating reason for promotion of the component.
- After vote passes, send announcement with time of move and remind everyone to have any files in the component checked in by that time.
- Actual CVS move:
- Log in to your Apache cvs account
- Checkout jakarta- commons and jakarta- commons-sandbox, and:
No Format |
$cd jakarta-commons-sandbox/foo $cvs import jakarta-commons/foo commons_sandbox commons_promotion |
That's it for the actual CVS move. Verify the move succeeded by doing a clean checkout of both jakarta- commons and jakarta- commons-sandbox. Verify that ViewCVS ViewVC has picked up the changes correctly.
If you decide to move the CVS directory itself by modifying CVSROOT, make sure you create a backup of the jakarta- commons module before copying, in case something goes wrong.
- Make sure your component still builds OK by building it in its new home.
- Update the web site for your component. Start with maven clean if your site is mavenized. Your site should now be at rather than The easiest way to update a mavenized site once you've built and tested it locally is to run
- Update the commons web site to reflect your component's move. You will need to update the menus under jakarta- commons/commons-build/menus (components-items.ent and sandbox-items.ent), as well as the more descriptive listings under jakarta- commons/commons-build/parts (components-table.ent and sandbox-table.ent).
- Send an announcement to commons- dev and commons- user mailing lists announcing the move.
- Gather a list of committers for the component, ask to give them commit access to component in commons-proper.
- Start planning a release