Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
$maven -Dmaven.username=${apache.username} site:sshdeploy

Maybe you have to checkout commons-build now. You can do this by using

No Format

$svn co commons-build

on the same level as your project-directory.

  1. Update the commons web site to reflect your component's move. You will need to update the menus under jakarta-commons/commons-build/menus (components-items.ent and sandbox-items.ent), as well as the more descriptive listings under jakarta-commons/commons-build/parts (components-table.ent and sandbox-table.ent).
  2. Send an announcement to commons-dev and commons-user announcing the move.
  3. Gather a list of committers for the component, ask to give them commit access to component in commons-proper.
  4. Start planning a release (wink)
