+ all components should use this report
o this report is optional
- no component should use this report
+ license
Source health
Not interesting for users - only for developers.
+ checkstyle (code formatting)
+ findbugs (similar to pmd, but has features not found in pmd)
+ pmd/cpd (bugs, code duplication, coding standards)
+ tasklist (to do list)
- jdepend (quality metrics)
- simian (similar to cpd)
+ cobertura (test coverage)
+ junit (test reports)
- clover (same as cobertura)
- jcoverage (same as cobertura)
Changes since last release
+ changelog (SCM activity per commit)
+ changes or jira
+ clirr (binary compatibility)
+ jdiff (since tags)
- developer-activity (SCM activity per developer)
- file-activity (SCM activity per file)
+ javadoc
+ jxr (cross reference)
User guide
+ linkcheck (for validating releases)
o faq