Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


If the vote passed the following steps need to be performed:


wget the artifcats from nexus to people server

In your home directory, perform:

No Format

wget -np -r

Check the MD5/SHA hashes!

Copy to dist

On, change directory to the distribution directory for your component:

No Format

cd /www/ 

Move source distributions, their detached signatures and md5 sums into position. All source versions live in the source subdirectory.

NOTE The Commons Parent pom currently attaches the assembly archives (the -bin* and -src* files) to the deploy phase, so they end up being copied to the Nexus staging repository. This is convenient for voting, as all the files are in the same place, but means that additional action needs to be taken to move the non-Maven files to the correct place.

wget the non-Maven artifacts from Nexus to people server

In your home directory, perform:

No Format

wget -np -r

Check the MD5/SHA hashes!

Copy to dist

On, change directory to the distribution directory for your component:

No Format

cd /www/ 

Move source distributions, their detached signatures and md5 sums into position. All source versions live in the source subdirectory.

No Format

mv ~/foo
No Format

mv ~/foo-1.2-RC3/commons-foo-1.2-src* source 


Recreate links to current distribution:
From committers/tools/releases in the ASF subversion repository, download the script "" and install it in your home/bin directory. Make sure it is executable and your path includes your /bin subdirectory. From the top level distribution directory (/www/, execute

No Format 1.2

were where the argument is the number of your version.



  1. remove commons-compress-1.1-bin.* and commons-compress-1.1-src.* from nexus staging area
  2. Promote

Note that Nexus release is asynchronous - it may take a short while for the files to be copied to the release area of Nexus and for the status to be updated.

It may take a while for the Maven repo to be synchronised from Nexus. Sometimes the files don't all appear at once.


Wait until the release files Wait until the release files are available from the main Apache web site (, then confirm things are good. Check the main directory:


On, verify that the directory has been updated, and that the file and directory permissions are correct (readable by all, not writeable by world, but group writeable). Also, ensure that the group is set to 'commons'. For example:

No Format

pwd : ls -l compress
total 1366
drwxrwsr-x  5 niallp     commons      20 Aug 19 07:22 apidocs
-rw-rw-r--  1 grobmeier  commons   21050 Aug 19 09:19 changes-report.html
drwxrwsr-x  5 niallp     commons      98 Aug 19 07:22 cobertura
-rw-rw-r--  1 grobmeier  commons    7555 Aug 19 09:19 conventions.html

all, not writeable by world, but group writeable). Note that the files are transferred to the real web site only every few hours, so it may be a while before you see your changes appear. However if you set your webbrowser's HTTP proxy to port 80 and access you should be able to see the changes immediately.


Announce the availability of the new release. Please check that the mirrors have been updated with the new release before sending the announce. There is no need to check all mirrors, but it's worthwhile checking a few of them.

Wiki Markup
Please remember to give a brief description of your component. Please also remember to remind people about verifying the signatures. The subject should be something like \[ANNOUNCEMENT\] Foo 1.2 Released. Send this mail from your Apache account. Please spell check the document!
