Versions Compared


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  • Build the projects with maven (we are skipping runit the unit tests here, but you should run them at least once on the release branch before continuing)

    Code Block
    mvn clean install -DskipTests

  • You should have the jar files and also the tarballs built. The two tarball is available at:
    • zookeeper-assembly/target/zookeeper-X.Y.Z-bin-package.tar.gz
    • zookeeper-assembly/target/zookeeper-X.Y.Z-source-package.tar.gz
  • Sign the tarballs:

    Code Block
    gpg --armor --output zookeeper-X.Y.Z.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig zookeeper-X.Y.Z.tar.gz

  • Check that release file looks ok - e.g. install it and run examples from tutorial.
    • untar the release artifact in a test directory
  • Copy release files to a public place and ensure they are readable. Note that only supports SFTP, so this may be easier with a graphical SFTP client like Nautilus, Konqueror, etc.

    Code Block
    > cd public_html
    > mkdir zookeeper-X.Y.Z-candidate-0
    > cd zookeeper-X.Y.Z-candidate-0
    > put zookeeper-X.Y.Z.tar.gz*
    > bye

  • Deploy to the Maven Repository.
    This is done using apache-release profile, coming from the apache parent pom. This will also sign your artifacts if your settings.xml is configured as mentioned above.
    The following command copies all artifacts to a temporary staging Apache mvn repository in open state:

    Code Block
    mvn deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release
    Make the release candidate available

    You can check the artifacts you just uploaded in the Apache’s Nexus at using your Apache ID. Click 'Staging Repositories' and look for a new ZooKeeper repository with a status of 'Open'. Check that all the artifacts and pom files are available. As long as this is in open state, you can re-upload your files. Or just use 'Drop' on the staging repo.

    If it checks out, close the repo using the 'Close' button. The repository must be closed before a public URL to it becomes available. It may take a few minutes for the repository to close. Once complete you’ll see a public URL to the repository in the Nexus UI. You may also receive an email with the URL. Provide the URL to the temporary staging repository in the email that announces the release candidate.

  • Enter Apache Nexus and do the following:
    1. Click on Log In in the upper right corner. Log in using your apache user name and password.  

    2. In the left navigation pane, select Staging Repositories.  

    3. Identify the release candidate you just pushed, by your user name (in parentheses as part of the "Repository" name) and the "Created On" date. Click on the check box to the left of your Repository name to select it. (If you accidentally click on the Repository name itself, another tab will pop open. If so, just close it.)  
    4. Click the Close button above the Repository names. This makes your release candidate available at the Staging level.  

    5. If you have previously staged an older release candidate with the same version number, and it is still showing in the Repository list, you must select and Drop the old one now.  

    6. Confirm that your new release candidate is visible at with correct file modification dates.

  • Call for a release vote on dev (note dev@ and not user@, the user list is for discussion of released software only) at Here is a sample email (from 3.4.6 release):

    1. Subject: [VOTE] Apache ZooKeeper release 3.4.6 candidate 0
      This is a bugfix release candidate for 3.4.6. It fixes 117 issues, including issues that
      affect leader election, Zab, and SASL authentication.
      The full release notes is available at:
      *** Please download, test and vote by March 9th 2014, 23:59 UTC+0. ***
      Source files:
      Maven staging repo:
      The release candidate tag in git to be voted upon: release-X.Y.Z-rcR
      ZooKeeper's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
      Should we release this candidate?


  • Once three PMC members have voted for a release, it may be published. Return to nexus and click the 'Release' button to release the artifacts to central. The release process will automatically drop and delete the staging repository.

  • In Jira, close issues resolved in the release. Disable mail notifications for this bulk change.
