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Code Block
<xs:simpleType name="fruitLocalType"
     dfdlx:inputValueCalc ="{ dfdlx:repTypeValuerepTypeValueInt() – 2 }"
     dfdlx:ouputValueCalc ="{ dfdlx:logicalTypeValuelogicalTypeValueInt() + 2 }" 
     dfdlx:repValues="12 14"
     dfdlx:repValueRanges="3 10 16 255" >
  <xs:restriction base=”xs:int” />


Code Block
<xs:simpleType name="fruitLocalType" dfdlx:inputTransform="dfdlx:repTypeValuerepTypeValueInt() - 2" dfdlx:outputTransform="dfdlx:logicalTypeValuelogicalTypeValueInt() + 2" 
               dfdlx:repValues="12 14" dfdlx:repValueRanges="3 10 16 255" >
      <xs:restriction base="xs:int ">
        <xs:enumeration value="10"/>
        <xs:enumeration value="12"/>
      <xs:restriction base="xs:int">
      <xs:restriction base="xs:int">


  • dfdlx:inputTypeCalc
    • Applies to xs:simpleType
    • Requires dfdlx:repType to also be present
    • Is a DFDL expression
    • On parse, first parse according to the repType, then populate the value of this element to the result of evaluating the dfdlx:inputTypeCalc expression
    • The value of the repType may be accessed by the expression through the dfdlx:repTypeValue() functionrepTypeValue functions
  • dfdlx:ouputTypeCalc
    • Applies to xs:simpleType
    • Requires dfdlx:repType to also be present
    • Is a DFDL expression
    • On unparse, first evaluate this expression, then unparse according to the repType as if the logical value were the result of evaluating this expression
    • The original logical value of this type may be accessed by the expression through the dfdlx:logicalTypeValue() functionlogicalTypeValue functions
  • dfdlx:repValues
    • Applies to xs:enumeration and xs:simpleType
    • A space separated list of values
    • Values must be of a type consistend with repType
    • When applied to xs:enumeration:
      • Defines a KeySet-Value transform, and associates the annotated enumeration value with the listed keys
      • Adds the listed values to the repValue set of the parent simpleType
    • When Applied to xs:simpleType
      • Adds the listed keys to the repValue set of the parent
      • This set will be used by xs:choice when choiceBranchKeyKind=byType
  • dfdlx:repValueRanges
    • Applies to xs:enumeration and xs:simpleType
    • Requires dfdlx:repType to be present and refer to an integer type
    • A space separated list of integers defining ranges of integers
    • Takes the form “min1 max1 min2 max2 … minN maxN”
    • Represents the set of integers described by the union of the intervals [mink, maxK]
    • Behaves as if all members of this set were included in the dfdlx:repValues annotation


  • dfdlx:inputTypeCalcInt(f: QName, x:Any)
    • f must be a constant QName resolving to a simpleType with a transform defined
    • The repType of said transform must match the type of x
    • The type f must be a restriction of xs:int
    • Returns the result of applying the inputTypeCalc function assotiated with f to x
  • dfdlx:inputTypeCalcString(f: QName, x:Any)
    • Behaves like dfdlx:inputTypeCalcInt(f: QName, x:Any) except that f must be a string type, and a string will be returned
  • dfdlx:outputTypeCalcInt(f: QName, x:Any)
    • f must be a constant QName resolving to a simpleType with a transform defined
    • The repType of said transform must be a restriction of xs:int
    • The type f must match the type of x
    • Returns the result of applying the outputTypeCalc function assotiated with f to x
  • dfdlx:outputTypeCalcString(f: QName, x:Any)
    • Behaves like dfdlx:inputTypeCalcInt(f: QName, x:Any) except that the repType associated with f must be a restriction of xs:string, and a string will be returned
  • dfdlx:outputTypeCalcNextSiblingInt(f: QName, x:Any)
    • The following sibling must be a simpleType whose repType is a restriction of xs:int
    • Returns the result of applying the outputTypeCalc function associated with the type of the following element to the value of the following element
  • dfdlx:outputTypeCalcNextSiblingString()
    • Behaves like dfdlx:outputTypeCalcNextSiblingInt, except the repType must be a restriction of xs:string, and a string will be returned
  • dfdlx:repTypeValuerepTypeValueInt()
    • Can only be called from inside dfdlx:inputTransform
    • Returns the value of the underlying repType, wehn the underlying repType has an int value
  • dfdlx:repTypeValueString()
    • Can only be called from inside dfdlx:inputTransform
    • Returns the value of the underlying repType, wehn the underlying repType has an string value
  • dfdlx:logicalTypeValueInt()
    • Can only be called from inside dfdlx:outputTransform
    • Returns the logical value of this element when the logical type is an int type.
  • dfdlx:logicalTypeValueString()dfdlx:logicalTypeValue
    • Can only be called from inside dfdlx:outputTransform
    • Returns the logical value of this element when the logical type is a String type.