Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. git →
  2. docker → 
  3. svn → shipped with MacOS [install with command line tools →]
  4. gpg tools →
  5. web browser →
  6. java JDK →
  7. text editor : vi → should be pre-installed
  8. Homebrew →
  9. fly → use platform-appropriate download link in bottom right corner of

Permission and keys:

titlePermission and Keys:
  • Ensure that the release manager has bulk modification permissions on Apache Geode JIRA.

To verify

    1. Go to :→ login → Issues → Search for Issues → select Geode in the Project list
    2. After logging in, on the top right side of the page click on Tools → Bulk Change → Current Page
    3. Select any ticket and click Next
    4. The Transition Issue option should not be blocked as N/A. If it is not blocked means that you have bulk operation permission.
    5. If you don't have permissions, send a mail requesting permission to
  • Ensure you have permission to modify the wiki for the release docs : Release Notes
  • The release manager will need to have a Docker Hub credential that has permission to upload Apache Geode to Docker Hub. To get permissions follow the steps below
    1. If you don't have a docker hub account create one at
    2. After creating the docker hub ID, send an email to requesting access to upload Apache Geode artifacts to Docker Hub mentioning your docker id.

  • Ensure that you have a valid pgp key.
    1. For MacOS use
    2. For Ubuntu
    3. Ensure that the public key is published and uploaded to servers.
    4. Ask a fellow committer to co-sign the keys, this ensures that the keys are available on public servers.
  • Add your public key block to KEYS file in develop branch if they are not already present in it.
    1. On MacOS : (More information available at

      Code Block
      titleOn MacOS terminal
      (gpg --list-sigs <your name> && gpg --armor --export <your name>) >> keys.log

    2. Take the contents of keys.log and append it to KEYS file in the develop branch of Apache Geode. Commit and push to origin.
    3. Also, add the key fingerprint to under OpenPGP Public Key Primary Fingerprint. The fingerprint can be found in the GPG Keychain in MacOS or the second line of the command executed in step a.
    4. Also upload your public key into keyserver
    5. Sample key block which needs to be appended to the KEYS file in develop:

      No Format
      pub   rsa4096 2018-01-04 [SC] [expires: 2022-01-04]
      uid           [ultimate] Nabarun Nag <>
      sig 3        274C66710770C135 2018-01-04  Nabarun Nag <>
      sig 3        C8D3705F9DBE2177 2018-02-26  Jason Huynh <>
      sub   rsa4096 2018-01-04 [E] [expires: 2022-01-04]
      sig          274C66710770C135 2018-01-04  Nabarun Nag <>
      -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----


  1. Checkout the release branch.

  2. If you are using GPG Tools >= 2.1, export your secret key to a file to be used by Gradle. You can export it with `gpg --export-secret-keys >~/.gnupg/secring.gpg`
  3. Log in to and select staging repositories. Find "orgapachegeode-####" and clink on "Drop"
  4. Clean and build the artifacts. Run this command on a machine using GUI as you will be prompted to enter PGP and ASF LDAP password (Apache password). You will see messages like "Could not find metadata org.apache.geode:geode-cq/maven-metadata.xml" on your terminal. Ignore them.

    Code Block
    git clean -fdx && ./gradlew clean build publish -Paskpass -Psigning.keyId=last_8_characters_of_your_gpg_fingerprint -Psigning.secretKeyRingFile=/Users/yourusername/.gnupg/secring.gpg


    Code Block
    #create a new empty directory
    svn checkout --depth empty
    svn update --set-depth infinity --parents dist/dev/geode
    svn update --set-depth infinity --parents dist/release/geode
    cd dist/dev/geode
    # copy the KEYS file from the apache-geode release branch folder in your system.
    cp ${GEODE_SRC}/KEYS .
    svn commit -m "Updating Apache Geode KEYS file"
    mkdir {version}.RC#
    cp ${GEODE_SRC}/geode-assembly/build/distributions/* {version}.RC#
    svn add {version}.RC#
    svn commit -m "Releasing Apache Geode {version}.RC# distribution"

  6. Verify that all the artifacts have been uploaded to the nexus repository by logging into and then click on close. Example:
  7. In the release branch folder tag the commit. All Release Candidates start with the number 1 eg. RC1. Be careful as rel`rel/` folder is protected, once we push the release tag to server, it cannot be modified. Any other change will have to be moved to the next RC number.

    Code Block
    git config "email_address_associated_with_your_gpg_key"
    git tag -s rel/v{version}.RC# -m "Release candidate # for 1.0.0"
    git push origin rel/v{version}.RC#

  8. Now checkout the repo for geode-examples and create a release branch.

    Code Block
    titleCreate release branch
    git checkout develop
    git checkout -b release/{version}

  9. Update the version number in of geode-examples

    Code Block
    version = 1.7.0
    geodeVersion = 1.7.0

  10. Commit the version changes and push the release branch of geode-examples

    Code Block
    git add -p
    git commit
    git push origin HEAD

  11. check that gfsh is not on your path already

    Code Block
    $ gfsh
    -bash: gfsh: command not found

  12. In the geode-examples folder, build and run it with the apache-geode version that was uploaded to the ASF dist repo.

    Code Block
    # first build the release artifacts, specifying the RC release location and staging repository
    git clean -dxf && ./gradlew -PsignArchives -PgeodeReleaseUrl={version}.RC# -PgeodeRepositoryUrl={NNNN} build runAll
    #if all tests pass then continue ahead, else kindly fix the issues

  13. If there are no failures, then upload the artifacts to ASF dist repo using the folder created in step 5tag the release candidate in geode-examples.

    Code Block
    # then uploadtag the release artifactscandidate for distribution
    # go to the folder created in step 6 and copy the geode-example artifacts to it
    cd dist/dev/geode
    cp ${GEODE_EXAMPLES_SRC}/build/distributions/* {version}.RC#
    svn add {version}.RC#/apache-geode-examples-*
    svn commit -m "Adding examples to Apache Geode {version}.RC# distribution"

    Tag the release candidate in geode-examples.

    git config "email_address_associated_with_your_gpg_key"
    git tag -s rel/v{version}.RC# -m "Release candidate # for 1.0.0"
    git push origin rel/v{version}.RC#


    If you are running on linux, you may see this error message:

    error: gpg failed to sign the data

    error: unable to sign the tag

     If you get that error message, try to sign some random file so that gpg will unlock your keyring. After that the git tag -s should work.

  14. Publish the examples artifacts to ASF dist repo using the folder created in step 5

    Code Block
    # then upload the release artifacts for distribution
    # go to the folder created in step 6 and copy the geode-example artifacts to it
    cd dist/dev/geode
    Code Block
    # then tag the release candidate commit
    git tag -s rel/v/build/distributions/* {version}.RC#
    svn add {version}.RC#/apache-geode-examples-*
    svn commit -m "Release candidate # for 1.0.0"
    git push origin rel/v{version}.RC#

    If you are running on linux, you may see this error message:

    error: gpg failed to sign the data

    error: unable to sign the tag

     If you get that error message, try to sign some random file so that gpg will unlock your keyring. After that the git tag -s should work.
    "Adding examples to Apache Geode {version}.RC# distribution"

  15. Make sure you have the native client required components installed. On a Mac

    Code Block
    brew install cmake
    brew install doxygen

  16. Checkout geode-native from Then `cd` into the geode-native directory, create a build directory, configure cmake and generate the source distribution via cpack

    Code Block
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. -DPRODUCT_VERSION={version} -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2* -DGEODE_HOME=your_geode_checkout/geode-assembly/build/install/apache-geode
    cpack -G TGZ --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake
  17. This should have generated a tar file and a corresponding checksum file. Let's sign the package:

    Code Block
    gpg --armor -u {key ID} -b apache-geode-native-*-src.tar.gz

    Verify that the command created a new file called `apache-geode-native-{version}-Source.tar.gz.asc`.

  18.  --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake

  19. This should have generated a tar file and a corresponding checksum file. Let's sign the package:

    Code Block
    gpg --armor -u {key ID} -b apache-geode-native-*-src.tar.gz

    Verify that the command created a new file called `apache-geode-native-{version}-Source.tar.gz.asc`.

  20. Tag the release candidate in geode native:

    Code Block
    # then tag the release candidate commit
    git tag -s rel/v{version}.RC# -m "Release candidate # for 1.0.0"
    git push origin rel/v{version}.RC#

  21. Publish the geode native artifacts to ASF dist repo using the folder created in step 5Copy files into release distribution

    Code Block
    cd dist/dev/geode
    cp ${GEODE_NATIVE_SRC}/build/apache-geode-native-{version}* {version}.RC#
    svn add {version}.RC#/apache-geode-native-*
    svn commit -m "Adding Geode Native source distribution to Apache Geode {version}.RC#"
    # then tag the release candidate commit
    git tag -s rel/v{version}.RC# -m "Release candidate # for 1.0.0"
    git push origin rel/v{version}.RC#

Update the version in geode-example develop branch.


  1. Checkout the release branch for apache geode

  2. Tag the commit with the final version 

    Code Block
    git tag -s rel/v{version} -m "Apache Geode v1.0.0 release"
    git push origin rel/v{version}

  3. Checkout the release branch for geode-examples

  4. Tag the commit with the final version

    Code Block
    git tag -s rel/v{version} -m "Apache Geode v1.0.0 release"
    git push origin rel/v{version}

  5. Use svn to move the distributions from dev to release. Use the folders created in step 6 of "Creating the release candidate" section.

    Code Block
    # in the directory created created in step 65 of "Creating the release candidate" section.
    cd dist
    svn mv dev/geode/{version}.RC#/ release/geode/{version}
    svn commit -m "Releasing Apache Geode {version} distribution"

  6. Update the keys in dist/release.

    Code Block
    # in the directory created created in step 65 of "Creating the release candidate" section.
    cp dev/geode/KEYS release/geode/KEYS
    svn commit -m "Updating Apache Geode KEYS file"

  7. Review the contents of dist/release. Remove any inactive releases.
  8. Promote the Nexus staging repo → login to→ Select Staging repositories → Find "orgapachegeode-####" → Click on the Release Button on the toolbar.

  9. Merge release branch to develop  and master for apache geode and then delete the release branch

    Code Block
    git checkout master
    git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs release/{version}
    git push origin master
    git checkout develop
    git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs release/{version}
    git push origin develop
    git branch -d release/{version}
    git push origin --delete release/{version}

  10. Merge release branch to develop  and master for geode-examples and then delete the release branch

    Code Block
    git checkout master
    git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs release/{version}
    git push origin master
    git checkout develop
    git merge -s recursive -Xtheirs release/{version}
    git push origin develop
    git branch -d release/{version}
    git push origin --delete release/{version}
