Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
  "apiKey": 43,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "ElectLeadersRequest",
  "validVersions": "0-1",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "TopicPartitionsElectionType", "type": "[]TopicPartitionsint8", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "01+",
      "about": "TheType topicof partitionselections to elect leaders.",
      "fields": [
        conduct for the partition. A value of '0' elects the preferred replica. A value of '1' elects the first live replica if there are no in-sync replica." },
    { "name": "TopicTopicPartitions", "type": "string[]TopicPartitions", "versions": "0+",
    "nullableVersions": "0+",
      "about": "The topic namepartitions ofto aelect topicleaders." },,
      "fields": [
        { "name": "PartitionsTopic", "type": "[]Partitionsstring", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The partitionsname of thisa topic whose leader should be elected." },
        { "name": "PartitionId", "fieldstype": [
              { "name": "PartitionId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
                "about": "The partition id." },
              { "name": "ElectionType", "type": "int8", "versions": "1+",
                "about": "Type of elections to conduct for the partition. A value of '0' elects the preferred replica. A value of '1' elects the first live replica if there are no in-sync replica." }

"[]int32", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The ]
partitions of this topic whose leader should be elected." }
    { "name": "TimeoutMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+", "default": "60000",
      "about": "The time in ms to wait for the election to complete." }


Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;

public abstract class AdminClient ... {

     * ...
     * @deprecated Since TBD. Use {@link #electLeaders}.
    public abstract ElectPreferredLeadersResult electPreferredLeaders(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions,
                                                                      ElectPreferredLeadersOptions options);

     * Attempt to elect a new leader for each of the topic partition in {@code partitions} using the {@code partitionElectionselectionType} election.
 The type of elections supported* are
The type of elections supported *are document in the {@link TopicPartitionElectionElectionType} type.
     * If {@code partitionElectionspartitions} is null, then attempt to electperform the preferred replicaelection for all of the topic partitions. 
     * @param electionType            The type of election.
     * @param partitions      * @param partitionElections      The partitions andfor thewhich typeto ofconduct elections to conduct.
     * @param options                 The options to use when electing the leaders.
     * @return                        The ElectLeadersResult.
    public abstract ElectLeadersResult electLeaders(
            ElectionType electionType,
            Collection<TopicPartitionElection>Collection<TopicPartition> partitionElectionspartitions,
            ElectLeadersOptions options);


ElectionType Enumeration

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.common;

public final class TopicPartitionElection {
    public static enum ElectionType {
    PREFERRED((byte) 0), UNCLEANEDUNCLEAN((byte) 1);

        public final byte value;

        ElectionType(byte value) {
            this.value = value;

    public final TopicPartition topicPartition;
    public finalthis.value ElectionType= electionTypevalue;


Admin Command

The command kafka-preferred-replica-election.{sh,bat} will be deprecated and the following command will be added.

Code Block
$ bin/ --help
This tool attempts to elect a new leader for a set of topic partitions. The type of elections supported are preferred replicas and unclean replica.
Option                                  Description
------                                  -----------

--admin.config <String: config file>    Admin client config properties file to
                                          pass to the admin client
 when --
                                        client when --bootstrap-server is given.
--bootstrapall-topic-serverpartitions <String: host:port>  A host name and port for the broker to
      Perform election on all of the topic                         partitions. Not allowed if
     connect to, in the form host:port.
                                --topic, --partition or --path-to-json-file is specified.
--bootstrap-server <String: host:port>  A Multiplehost comma-separatedname URLsand canport be
for the broker to
                                       given. REQUIRED unless --zookeeper
     connect to, in the form host:port.
                                     is given.
--election-type <String: election>  Multiple comma-separated URLs can Typebe
 of election to attempt. Possible values are 0
                                  given. REQUIRED unless --zookeeper
     (or "preferred") for preferred election or 1 (or
                              is given.
--election-type <String: election>      Type of election "uncleaned") for uncleaned election. The default value
  to attempt. Possible values are 0
                                        is 0 (or "preferred"), if --topic or --partition is
 for preferred election or 1 (or
                                          "unclean") for specifiedunclean election. The Notdefault allowedvalue
 if --path-to-json-file is
                                       is 0  specified(or "preferred").
--topic <String: topic>                 Name of topic for which to perform an election.
                                          REQUIRED if --partition is specified. Not allowed
                                          if --path-to-json-file-json-file or --all-topic-partitions is specified.
--partition <Integer: partition id>     Partition id for which to perform an election.
                                          REQUIRED if --topic is specified. Not allowed if
                                          --path-to-json-file or --all-topic-partitions is specified.         
--help                                  Print usage information.
--path-to-json-file <String: list of    The JSON file with the list of
  partitions for which replica            partitions for which leader election
  leader election needs to be             should be done. Supported elections
  triggered>                              are 0 for preferred and 1 for uncleanedunclean.
                                          If an election is not specified,
                                          preferred is the default. This is an
                                          example format.
                                                [{"topic": "foo", "partition": 1},
                                                 {"topic": "foobar", "partition": 2, "election": 1}]
                                        Defaults to preferredNot electionallowed toif --all existing partitions if
 -topic-partitions, --topic or --partition
                                         --topic and --partition flags are not specified.

Proposed Changes
