Versions Compared


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Connect's API provides a list method which returns all running connector names as well as info methods parameterized by name. This leads to a situation where users of this API need to make N api calls to get information about all their running connectors.


Code Block
w:kafka norwood$ curl -s http://localhost:8083/connectors?expand=true | jq
  "blah": {
    "name": "blah",
    "configconnector": {
      "connector.classstate": "org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSourceConnectorRUNNING",
      "fileworker_id": "/tmp/lol","
      "tasks.max": "10"},
      "nametasks": "blah",[
      "topic": "test-topic"{
    "tasksid": [
        "connectorstate": "blahRUNNING",
        "taskworker_id": 0""
    "type": "source"


  • Adding an entirely new endpoint.
    • The way that ConnectorsResource is setup right now is not conducive to adding another endpoint that is not namespaced under /connectors/{connectorName}
    • We could conceivably rework more code in ConnectorsResource to allow us to have a /connectorsExpanded endpoint and then retain the other /connectors/{connectorName}/status endpoints, but this introduces even more questions, e.g. what would be under /connectorsExpanded/{connector}/status
  • Add a connect rest extension.
    • This seems like overkill for basic functionality. We have all the data available in the herder now, so requiring additional install steps to get basic info seems like a bit much.