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package org.apache.kafka.clients.admin;


public class NewTopic {


public static NewTopicBuilderBuilder build(String name) { return new NewTopicBuilderBuilder(name)); }

  public static class NewTopicBuilderBuilder {

     privatepublic NewTopicBuilderBuilder(String name); // this will be called from NewTopic#build(String)

     * Specify the desired number of partitions for the topic.
     * @param numPartitions the desired number of partitions; must be positive
     * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
     public NewTopicBuilderBuilder partitions(int numPartitions);

      * Specify the desired replication factor for the topic.
      * @param replicationFactor the desired replication factor; must be positive
      * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
     public NewTopicBuilderBuilder replicationFactor(short replicationFactor); 

       * Specify that the topic should be compacted.
       * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
      public NewTopicBuilderBuilder compacted();

       * Specify the minimum number of in-sync replicas required for this topic.
       * @param minInSyncReplicas the minimum number of in-sync replicas allowed for the topic; must be positive
       * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
      public NewTopicBuilderBuilder minInSyncReplicas(short minInSyncReplicas);

       * Specify whether the broker is allowed to elect a leader that was not an in-sync replica when no ISRs
       * are available.
       * @param allow true if unclean leaders can be elected, or false if they are not allowed
       * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
      public NewTopicBuilderBuilder uncleanLeaderElection(boolean allow);  

       * Specify the configuration properties for the topic, overwriting any previously-set properties.
       * @param configs the desired topic configuration properties, or null if all existing properties should be cleared
       * @return this builder to allow methods to be chained; never null
     public NewTopicBuilderBuilder config(Map<String, Object> configs);
       * Build the {@link NewTopic} representation.
       * @return the topic description; never null
     public NewTopic build(); 
