Versions Compared


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Store web App: Process to the total calculation using parameters (items and quantites) passed via the request, and send it back as a JSON String.


    This directory on the server will contain a subdirectory for each catalog category., and every product may have it's image in the relevant
    category. Default images may be provided. Due to the size of the end user screen (mobile device), images size will be fixed to 30*30.

        Web App Store


Image Added

Note: Review of the ShoppingCart Implementation in order to take in count items quantity;

  • Configuration file;

 Will mainly contains path to the resources.


    Android Client Store: This part will be made of

  •   The store UI pagesscreens

Wiki Markup
            *    Store Home page with buttons driving to:
                *    Catalog categories page;
                *    Products list page - (This page should will show up after a category has been selected, or after a product search submission);
                    Items will be displayed in a listView using a simpleAdaptor to re-arrange the item's attribute that are to be displayed. Items quantity can be typed in from the list.
                *    Product details page: displays all possible details about the product;
                *    Shopping cart page: Displays selected items, and the total.
                \*    Preferences page;
            I intend to assemble \[X/\] pages  under a same TabActivity, for a practical switch between them. Any other proposal surely will be welcomed and discussed. 


            In order to make users shopping cart available at next application launch, Android SharedPreferences feature will be used to save the cart contents to the application preferences. Also, as the community opinions is optional, users will be provided a way enabling or disabling the feature. The last preference for the application will be about setting its theme.

    Complete bootstrapping of Tuscany extensions in an android module           

Expected results and schedule

  • Store web app service: May 23 - June 20
    • Catalog component: Retrieve full catalog from XML datasource files;
    • CatalogBrowser Component: Retrieve catalog items based on aspecified query;
    • ShoppingCart component:  Support now cart total calculation taking in account items quantities;
    • CurrencyConverter component: Currencies symbol and value computation based on an XML file
  • Android Store client: June 20 - August 10
    • "services" package update in order to fit the new offered services;
    • Complete implementation of the 6 screens quoted above;
  • Additional tests, UI reviews and thoughts on possible additional features like an M-Payment service implementation: August 10th - August 17th;
  • According to how fast i advance on the project the rating service may be implemented before or after the end of the GSOC programm:
    • On the web app side, the component should retrieve items' ratings and recalculate note after a new rating submission from an end user.
    • On the android client side ratings should be loaded, and each item could be rated if of course the user enables this fonctionnality in his preferences.

 Note: From April 20 to May 23, i'll be reading documentation on The Apache Software Foundation or more precisely The Tuscany project's coding principles, and exchanging with the tuscany SCA community on probable issues, documentation and materials related to the project.

Development     Development environment


  • Testing consumption from Android emulator of service hosted on my local machine will not be so hard as Android emulator provides networking feature of host loopback interface at
  • I'll be developing under Windows Vista, and Ubuntu alternatively.
  • IDE: Eclipse. Of course, if the Apache Tuscany Project uses some other tools, i'll be pleased to use them.        

Additional Information

About Me

Birth Date:                           22 Juin 1987
Home Country:                     Benin Republic
Country of residence:            France
School:                                National School of Applied Sciences - Agadir / Morocco Kingdom.
Technical skills:                    C, C++, C#,, Java, Batch, Shell scripting, HTML, CSS, XML/XSD/XSL/XPATH/DTD, Javascript, ASP, PHP, JSP.
Relational skills:                   Dynamism, Motivation, Ability to work as a team member, Good sense of creativity imagination and share knowledge, Curiosity.    About me
    I'm a 22 years old Beninese student of National School of Applied Science in morocco.
    toBContinued.......... +schedule and other info