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For more information about the projects/frameworks mentioned, I recommend that you have a look on their respective web site.


To summarize, the application is listening for incidents coming from web service or files. According to the origin, the content (= incidents) are transformed into their corresponding objects using for the CSV file, a new camel component : camel-bindy and for the Web Service camel-cxf component. Each message transformed is placed in a queue handled by ActiveMQ engine. All the messages (containing the objects) are next processed by a Bean service who will (with the help of injection of dependency provided by Spring) save the incidents in a DB using Spring and Hibernate frameworks.
A small Apache Wicket web application running in Jetty Web server provide to the users an screen to consult the incidents created.

The project has been cut into the following maven projects. It is interesting to mention that a maven project corresponds also to an OSGI bundle.

OSGI Definition
OSGI Definition

A bundle in the OSGI world represents component made by developer. For more info about OSGI, I recommend to have a look on OSGI web site


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