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Comment: copy changes from 2.1 docs, clarify plain and plugin deployment
Wiki Markup

This section is available (Available in Geronimo 2.1.1 and later.)

Geronimo uses log4j for logging and the base log4j configuration is in var/log/ If your application also uses log4j for logging you can configure logging in this file. However, this is not self-contained. Instead, you can configure log4j settings specific to your application in your application plugin.

Note that in any case, unless you use hidden-classes or inverse-classloading to load your own copy of log4j separate from the geronimo copy, log4j will not automatically read any files you may have included in your classpath.

This example is taken from the Apache apache directory plugin for Geronimogeronimo, so the paths , etc . are adapted for that plugin.

  1. Include an ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean in your application plan, like this:
    Code Block
        <gbean name="DirectoryLog4jConfiguration" class="org.apache.geronimo.system.logging.log4j.ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean">
            <attribute name="log4jFile">var/directory/</attribute>
            <reference name="ServerInfo"><name>ServerInfo</name></reference>
    You can also use a file in your classpath, but this will obstruct anyone trying to configure logging as the file will remain packed in your application somewhere hard to find:
    Code Block
        <gbean name="DirectoryLog4jConfiguration" class="org.apache.geronimo.system.logging.log4j.ApplicationLog4jConfigurationGBean">
            <attribute name="log4jResource">META-INF/</attribute>
  2. Configure application specific logging in your file. The gbean prevents you from overriding settings that apply to global logging, but you can configure appenders for specific loggers for your application. Here's the example for ApacheDS:
    Code Block
    #attach an appender to the base apacheds package logger:,apacheds
    #do not log apacheds to geronimo logs:
    #Configure the apacheds specific appender:
    # geronimo style logging
    log4j.appender.apacheds.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n
    # some settings for the apacheds loggers, taken from the standard apacheds file.
    # with these we'll not get innundated when switching to DEBUG

    If you are building a plugin using maven and the car-maven-plugin:

  3. Include the configuration file in an appropriate location in your plugin, say META-INF/
  4. Unpack the file during plugin installation by including something like this in the pom.xml that generates geronimo-plugin.xml:
    Code Block
                                <copy-file relative-to="server" dest-dir="var/directory">META-INF/</copy-file>

    If you are deploying your app by some other means:

  5. Copy the file by hand to the appropriate location such as var/my-app/ There is no need to include this file in your app.Configure application specific logging in your file. The gbean prevents you from overriding settings that apply to global logging, but you can configure appenders for specific loggers for your application. Here's the example for ApacheDS: Code Block #attach an appender to the base apacheds package logger:,apacheds #do not log apacheds to geronimo logs: #Configure the apacheds specific appender: log4j.appender.apacheds=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender log4j.appender.apacheds.File=${org.apache.geronimo.server.dir}/var/log/apacheds.log log4j.appender.apacheds.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout # geronimo style logging log4j.appender.apacheds.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n # some settings for the apacheds loggers, taken from the standard apacheds file. # with these we'll not get innundated when switching to DEBUG