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* Base class for User-Defined table Aggregates.


* <p>The behavior of an {@link TableAggregateFunction} can be defined by implementing

* a series of custom methods. An {@link TableAggregateFunction} needs at least three methods:

*  - createAccumulator,

*  - accumulate, and

*  - emitValue or emitValueWithRetract


* <p>There are a few other methods that can be optional to have:

*  - retract,

*  - merge


* <p>All these methods muse be declared publicly, not static and named exactly as the names

* mentioned above. The methods createAccumulator and emitValue are defined in the

* {@link TableAggregateFunction} functions, while other methods are explained below.



* {@code

* Processes the input values and update the provided accumulator instance. The method

* accumulate can be overloaded with different custom types and arguments. An AggregateFunction

* requires at least one accumulate() method.


* param accumulator the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results

* param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).


* public void accumulate(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs])

* }



* {@code

* Retracts the input values from the accumulator instance. The current design assumes the

* inputs are the values that have been previously accumulated. The method retract can be

* overloaded with different custom types and arguments. This function must be implemented for

* datastream bounded over aggregate.


* param accumulator   the accumulator which contains the current aggregated results

* param [user defined inputs] the input value (usually obtained from a new arrived data).aol


* public void retract(ACC accumulator, [user defined inputs])

* }



* {@code

* Merges a group of accumulator instances into one accumulator instance. This function must be

* implemented for datastream session window grouping aggregate and dataset grouping aggregate.


* param accumulator  the accumulator which will keep the merged aggregate results. It should

*                    be noted that the accumulator may contain the previous aggregated

*                    results. Therefore user should not replace or clean this instance in the

*                    custom merge method.

* param its  an {@link Iterable} pointed to a group of accumulators that will be

*                    merged.


* public void merge(ACC accumulator, Iterable<ACC> its)

* }



* {@code

* Called every time when an table-valued aggregation result should be materialized.

* The returned value could be either an early and incomplete result

* (periodically emitted as data arrive) or the final result of the table-valued aggregation.


* The implementation logic do not need deal with retract messages.

* For Example, if we calculate top3(ASC order), the behavior as follows:

* Assume there are 4 messages: {1, 2, 6, 4}

* - Framework should generate retract message according to DAG pattern.

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* | Input |  OutPut | Framework  behavior of when need retract message |

* ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* | 1      | collector.collect(1)|                                                                         |

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* | 2      | collector.collect(1)| collector.retract(1)                                          |

* |         | collector.collect(2)|                                                                         |

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* | 6      | collector.collect(1)| collector.retract(1)                                          |

* |         | collector.collect(2)| collector.retract(2)                                         |

* |         | collector.collect(6)|                                                                         |

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* | 4     | collector.collect(1) | collector.retract(1)                                          |

* |        | collector.collect(2) | collector.retract(2)                                         |

* |        | collector.collect(4) | collector.retract(6)                                         |

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------


* public void emitValue(ACC accumulator, Collector<T> out)

* }


* {@code

* Called every time when an table-valued aggregation result should be materialized.

* The returned value could be either an early and incomplete result

* (periodically emitted as data arrive) or the final result of the table-valued aggregation.



* The implementation logic should deal with retract message.

* For Example, if we calculate top3(ASC order), the behavior as follows:

* Assume there are 4 messages: {1, 2, 6, 4}

* - Framework do not need generate the retract message.

* ----------------------------------

* | Input |               OutPut               |

* ----------------------------------

* | 1     | collector.collect(1) |

* ---------------------------------

* | 2     | collector.collect(2) |

* ---------------------------------

* | 6     | collector.collect(6) |

* ---------------------------------

* | 4     | collector.retract(6) |

* |        | collector.collect(4) |       

* ---------------------------------


* public void emitValueWithRetractemitUpdateWithRetract(ACC accumulator, Collector<T> out)

* }


* @param <T>   the type of the table aggregation result

* @param <ACC> the type of the table aggregation accumulator. The accumulator is used to keep the

*             table aggregated values which are needed to compute an table aggregation result.

*             TableAggregateFunction represents its state using accumulator, thereby the state of the

*             TableAggregateFunction must be put into the accumulator.


public abstract class TableAggregateFunction<T, ACC> extends UserDefinedFunction {


  * Creates and init the Accumulator for this {@link TableAggregateFunction}.


  * @return the accumulator with the initial value


 public abstract ACC createAccumulator();


  * Returns the DataType of the TableAggregateFunction's result.


  * @return The DataType of the TableAggregateFunction's result or null if the result type

  *       should be automatically inferred.


 public DataType getResultType() {

    return null;



  * Returns the DataType of the TableAggregateFunction's accumulator.


  * @return The DataType of the TableAggregateFunction's accumulator or null if the

  *       accumulator type should be automatically inferred.


 public DataType getAccumulatorType() {

    return null;


NOTE:  Since the execution mode of the Stream operator has two modes, `ACC` and `ACCRetract`, users can achieve better performance by implementing special interfaces for streaming. The table below is a quick summary.












  • emitValue - for batch and streaming.
  • eimitUpdateWithRetract - only for streaming in ACC mode.
  • emitUpdateWithoutRetract - only for streaming in ACCRetract mode(need key definition on TableAggregateFunction, under discussion).

Collector Interface

public interface Collector<T> {


  * Emits a record.


  * @param record The record to collect.


 void collect(T msg);


  * Emits a retract record.


  * @param record The record to retract.


 void retract(T msg);

