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  • intercept
  • interceptEndpoint new in Camel 2.0 that intercepts when an Exchange is about to be sent to the given Endpoint


Lets start with the logging example. We want to log all the incoming requests so we use intercept to route to the Log component. As proceed is default then the Exchange will continue its route, and thus it will continue to mock:first.

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Available as of Camel 2.0


Let start with a simple example, where we want to intercept when an Exchange is being sent to mock:foo:
TODO: e1

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And this time we add the Predicate so its only when the message body is Hello World we intercept.
TODO: e2

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And to skip sending to the mock:foo endpoint we use the stop() DSL in the route at the end to instruct Camel to skip sending. The name *stop() is used as the interceptEndpoint builds on top of intercept and thus we inherit the DSL ketwords.
TODO: e3keywords.

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