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h1. Background

The Qpid Management Console is user graphical interface for managing and monitoring the Qpid remotely.

This specification is primarily concerned with detailing the functional specifications for Management Console. The tests cover all the functionalities supported by the console.

h1. Test Platforms

The management console currently supports Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X.

h1. Introduction

This Management Console functional test specifications are categorized into following categories:
# Administration
# Virtual Host Management
# Connections Management
# Queue Management
# Exchange Management

h1. Installation and Testing

To install the management console, it can be [] or []

There are three config files that should be used in this test which are attached to this page along with the sendAndWaitClient script.

h1. General Test and Setup Information

When the Qpid Management Console is started for the first time on a machine, it creates a configuration file (qpidManagementConsole.ini) in user home directory (C:\Documents and Settings\<userid> for windows). This ini file stores the Qpid server address, which are added to the console.

Following setup is needed for Qpid Management Console test
1.	Start the Qpid Broker with following configuration.
a.	Virtual Host "Development" and "test"
b.	Virtual Host "test" having following Queues - ping, queue, ping_1
c.	Virtual Host "test" having following Exchanges - (type=direct),  
Table of Contents


The Qpid Management Console is user graphical interface for managing and monitoring the Qpid remotely.

This specification is primarily concerned with detailing the functional specifications for Management Console. The tests cover all the functionalities supported by the console.

Test Platforms

The management console currently supports Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X.


This Management Console functional test specifications are categorized into following categories:

  1. Administration
  2. Virtual Host Management
  3. Connections Management
  4. Queue Management
  5. Exchange Management

Installation and Testing

To install the management console, it can be Developer pages\ or Download\

There are three config files that should be used in this test which are attached to this page along with the sendAndWaitClient script.

General Test and Setup Information

When the Qpid Management Console is started for the first time on a machine, it creates a configuration file (qpidManagementConsole.ini) in user home directory (C:\Documents and Settings\<userid> for windows). This ini file stores the Qpid server address, which are added to the console.


amq.topic(type=topic), amq.headers(type=headers) and amq.fanout(type=fanout)


2.	Qpid has following user configuration


a.	Username=admin, Password=admin    (Admin permissions)


User permissions are set in the jmxremote.access file.





This section details the test cases for administration of management console users.  The setup described in the set up information section is required for these tests.


| Test


Test steps


Expected result




Start the Qpid Management Console with script


The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side.




Click the "New Connection" icon.


New Connection details pop up opens




Enter the host=<hostname>, port= 8999
Username=admin, Password=admin and click Connect.


The Qpid Connections node "<hostname>:8999" will be added.




Expand all the child node of "<hostname>:8999"


Following child nodes should be listed.
org.apache.qpid -> UserManagements->UserManagement




Select the UserManagement


 ID \\ | Test steps \\ | Expected result \\ |
| AD-0 | Start the Qpid Management Console with script | The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side. |
| AD-1 | Click the "New Connection" icon. | New Connection details pop up opens |
| AD-1.1 | Enter the host=<hostname>, port= 8999 \\
Username=admin, Password=admin and click Connect. | The Qpid Connections node "<hostname>:8999" will be added. |
| AD-2 | Expand all the child node of "<hostname>:8999" | Following child nodes should be listed. \\
org.apache.qpid \-> UserManagements->UserManagement \\ |
| AD-3 | Select the UserManagement | Following admin operations are listed as tabs on "Qpid Management"   page\- \\
View Users&nbsp; \\
Set Rights \\
Reload Data \\
Set Password \\
Delete user \\
Create User \\
View Users tab will be selected and following users will be listed,   which can be browsed using first/next/previous/last buttons


| AD-4


 | Select the tab "Create User" and enter the user details\-






Read and Write access.


Click Execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-4.1


 | Select the tab "Create User" and enter the user details\-






Read access.


Click Execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-4.2


 | Select the tab "Create User" and enter the user details\-






Read access.


Click Execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-4.3


 | Select the "Reload Data" tab and execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-4.4


 | Select the "View Users" tab and check if the following users are   listed - user, guest, newuser.


 | Users are listed with same permissions as assigned while creating   users.


| AD-5


 | Select "Delete User" tab and enter username=newuser. Click execute


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-5.1


 | Select the "Reload Data" tab and execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-5.2


 | Select the "View Users" tab and check if the user "newuser" is listed


 | User "newuser" is not listed.


| AD-6


 | Select the "Set Rights" tab, enter the username=user and select the   "Read" access. Click Execute


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-6.1


 | Select the "Set Password" tab, enter the username=user and   password=newpassword.


Click execute.


 | Operation successful dialog pops up.


| AD-6.2


 | Start another session of Management Console using and   connect to <hostname>:8999 using username=user and password=newpassword


 | User logs in.


| AD-6.3


 | Select the VirtualHosts->test->VirtualHostManager. Now enter   details on the "Create New Queue" tab and click execute.


 | "Access Denied" message popsup.


| AD-6.4


 | Select the UserManagements->UserManagement


 | "Access Denied" error pops up.


| AD-6.5


 | Disconnect this new session of Management Console.




 | NA |

h1. Virtual Host Management

This section details the test cases for managing and monitoring a Virtual Host.  The setup described in the setup information section is required for these tests.

<!--  /* Style Definitions */  p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal 	{mso-style-parent:""; 	margin:0in; 	margin-bottom:.0001pt; 	mso-pagination:widow-orphan; 	font-size:12.0pt; 	font-family:"Times New Roman"; 	mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 	{size:8.5in 11.0in; 	margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; 	mso-header-margin:.5in; 	mso-footer-margin:.5in; 	mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 	{page:Section1;} -->| *Test Id* | *Test Steps* | *Expected Result* |
| VH-0 | Start the Qpid Management Console with script | The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side. |
| VH-1 | Click the "New Connection" icon. | New Connection details pop up opens |
| VH-1.1 | Enter the host="<hostname>", port= 8999\\
Username=user, Password=password and click Connect. | The Qpid Connections node "<hostname>:8999" will be added. |
| VH-2 | Expand all the child node of "<hostname>:8999" | Following child nodes should be listed.\\
org.apache.qpid \-> VirtualHosts \-> test and development\\
test->VirtualHostManager, Connections, Exchanges and Queues\\
development-> VirtualHostManager, Connections, Exchanges and Queues |
| VH-2 | Click on test->VirtualHostManager | Qpid Management view on right hand side displays following operations   as tabs\-\\
Create New Queue\\
Create New Exchange\\
Delete Queue\\
Unregister Exchange |
| VH-4 | On the "Create New Queue" tab enter Queue Name=newQueue and click   Execute | A confirmation dialog pops up. |
| VH-4.1 | Click yes on the confirmation box | A pop up displays that the operation is successful. |
| VH-4.2 | Click on the test->Queues | Qpid Management page displays the "Queue" tab and following queues will   be listed\- ping, queue and newQueue |
| VH-5 | Click on test->VirtualHostManager and then select the "Create New   Exchange" tab | The "Qpid Management" page displays following the data fields -- Name,   Type and Durable. |
| VH-5.1 | Enter the Exchange Name=newExchange, select the Exchange Type as   "direct" and click Execute. | A confirmation dialog pops up. |
| VH-5.2 | Click yes on the confirmation box | A pop up displays that the operation is successful. |
| VH-5.3 | Click on the test->Exchanges | Qpid Management page displays the "Exchange" tab and following   exchange will be listed\-, amq.fanout, amq.match, amq.topic and   newExchange |
| VH-6 | Click on test->VirtualHostManager and then select the "Delete   Queue" tab | The "Qpid Management" page displayed following Queues in the list\-   queue, ping, newQueue |
| VH-6.1 | Select the newQueue from the list and click Execute | A confirmation dialog pops up. |
| VH-6.2 | Click yes on the confirmation box | A pop up displays that the operation is successful. |
| VH-6.3 | Click on the test->Queues | Qpid Management page displays the "Queue" tab and following queues   will be listed\- ping and&nbsp; queue. The   newQueue should not be in the list. |
| VH-7 | Click on test->VirtualHostManager and then select the "Unregister   Exchange" tab | The "Qpid Management" page displayed following Exchange in the list\-, amq.fanout, amq.topic, amq.headers and newExchange |
| VH-7.1 | Select the "newExchange" from the list and click Execute | A confirmation dialog pops up. |
| VH-7.2 | Click yes on the confirmation box | A pop up displays that the operation is successful. |
| VH-7.3 | Click on the test->Exchanges | Qpid Management page displays the "Exchange" tab and following   exchange will be listed\-, amq.fanout, amq.match and amq.topic. The   newExchange should not be in the list. |
| VH-8 | Select the Qpid server node <hostname>:8999 and click the   "Disconnect" icon from the tool bar. | The Qpid connection is disconnected and the server nodes disappear. |

h1. Connections Management

This section details the test cases for managing and monitoring a Qpid connection.&nbsp; The setup described in Setup information section is required for these tests.
Precondition: A Qpid server (e.g. <hostname>:8999) is added to the Management Console as described in the "Virtual Host Management" section.
| *Test Id* | *Test Steps* | *Expected Result* |
| CM-0 | Select the Qpid Server node "<hostname>:8999" on the Qpid   Connections page and click the icon for reconnect from the tool bar. | The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side. |
| CM-1 | Start a consumer application and select the test->Connections node. | On the right hand page the connection will appear in the list. |
| CM-2 | Select the connection and "Add to Navigation" | The connection node is added to the left hand side page. |
| CM-3 | Select the connection node. | The Qpid Management page displays following connection attributes\-\\
Authorized Id, Client Id, Last IO Time, Maximum Number of Channels, Remote   Address and Version\\
Also following tabs are displayed\-\\
Rollback Transactions\\
Commit Transactions\\
Close Connection\\
Channels |
| CM-4 | Select Channels tab | Qpid Management page displays channel details. |
| CM-5 | Select Close Connection tab | A confirmation dialog pops up. |
| CM-5.1 | Click yes on the confirmation box | A pop up displays that the operation is successful and the connection   node from left hand side disappears. |
| CM-6 | Select the Qpid server node <hostname>:8999 and click the   "Disconnect" icon from the tool bar. | The Qpid connection is disconnected and the server nodes disappear. |

h1. Queue Management

This section details the test cases for managing and monitoring a Qpid Queue.&nbsp; The setup described in Setup information section is required for these tests.

Precondition: A Qpid server (e.g. <hostname>:8999) is added to the Management Console as described in the "Virtual Host Management" section.
| *Test Id* | *Test Steps* | *Expected Result* |
| QM-0 | Select the Qpid Server node "<hostname>:8999" on the Qpid   Connections page and click the icon for reconnect from the tool bar. | The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side. |
| QM-1 | Select test->Queues and add Queue ping_1 to the navigation | Queue ping_1 gets added under test-Queues |
| QM-2 | Select ping_1 node on left hand side | Following Queue properties are displayed in a table on "Qpid   Management" page\-\\
Active Consumer Count\\
Auto Delete\\
Consumer Count\\
Maximum Message Age\\
Maximum Message Count\\
Maximum Message Size\\
Maximum Queue Depth\\
Message Count\\
Queue Depth\\
Received Message Count\\
Following operations will be displayed as tabs\-\\
Clear Queue\\
Delete Message From Top\\
View Messages\\
View Message Content\\
Move Messages |
| QM-3 | Run a client application to send 100 messages of size 512bytes each to   queue "ping_1" and refresh the attributes tab on management console | Following attributes value will be updated.\\
Message Count=100\\
Queue Depth=50&nbsp; (in kb)\\
Received Message Count=100 |
| QM-4 | Select the "Maximum Message Count" attribute and click "Edit   Attribute" | Attribute window pops up with Attribute Name, Description and value. |
| QM-4.1 | Update the value to 100 | The attribute value gets updated. |
| QM-5 | Select the Notifications tab and select the notification type and   subscribe. | Subscribe button gets disabled. |
| QM-6 | Run the same client application again and sent 100 messages of size   512 bytes to the "ping_1" " and refresh the attributes tab on management   console | Following attributes value will be updated.\\
Message Count=200\\
Queue Depth=100&nbsp; (in kb)\\
Received Message Count=200 |
| QM-6.1 | Select the Notifications tab. | One MESSAGE_COUNT_ALERT will be listed. |
| QM-6.2 | Clear the notifications. Click the Clear button | The notifications list will be empty. |
| QM-6.3 | Select the notifications type and Unsubscribe. | Subscribe button will be enabled and Unsubscribe button will be   disabled. |
| QM-7 | Select the "Delete Message From Top" tab. Click Execute and confirm. | Operation successful dialog will popup. |
| QM-8 | Select Attributes tab. | Following attributes value will be updated.\\
Message Count=199\\
Queue Depth=99&nbsp; (in kb) |
| QM-9 | Select the "Clear Queue" tab. Click Execute and confirm. | Operation successful dialog will popup. |
| QM-10 | Select Attributes tab. | Following attributes value will be updated.\\
Message Count=0\\
Queue Depth=0&nbsp; (in kb) |
| QM-11 | Run the same client application again and sent 100 messages of size   512 bytes to the "ping_1" " and refresh the attributes tab on management   console. | Following attributes value will be updated.\\
Message Count=100\\
Queue Depth=50&nbsp; (in kb)\\
Received Message Count=300 |
| QM-12 | Select the "View Messages" tab and enter this data\-\\
from Index=1\\
to index=100 and Execute | The results window pops up with message header attributes details of   100 messages on the Queue. |
| QM-13 | Close the results window and select "View Message Content" tab. Enter   the message id =250 and Execute. | The results window pops up with following fields\-\\
Message Id\\
Encoding \\
Mime Type |
| QM-14 | Select "Move Messages" tab. | The Qpid Management page shows these fields\-\\
From Message Id\\
To Message Id\\
Queue&nbsp; (with list of all other   queues) |
| QM-14.1 | Enter the following data\-\\
From Message Id = 200\\
To Message Id = 150 and Select Queue="queue". Now Execute and confirm. | Operation successful dialog will popup. |
| QM-14.2 | Select test-Queues and add queue to the navigation and select "queue" | The queue attributes will be displayed with these values\-\\
Queue depth=25\\
Message Count=50\\
Received Message Count=50 |
| | | |
h1. Exchange Management

This section details the test cases for managing and monitoring a Qpid Exchanges.&nbsp; The setup described in Setup information section is required for these tests.

Precondition: A Qpid server (e.g. <hostname>:8999) is added to the Management Console as described in the "Virtual Host Management" section.

| *Test Id* | *Test Steps* | *Expected Result* |
| EM-0 | Select the Qpid Server node "<hostname>:8999" on the Qpid   Connections page and click the icon for reconnect from the tool bar. | The GUI starts up with "Qpid Connections" on left hand side. |
| EM-1 | Select test->Exchanges and add these exchanges to the Navigation page\-\\
&nbsp;amq.match | Those exchanges get listed under the node test->Exchanges |
| EM-2 | Select "" node | The exchange attributes get displayed on "Qpid Management" page and &nbsp;following tabs\-\\
Create New Binding\\
Bindings |
| EM-3 | Select the "Create New Bindings" tab | The available queues (ping, queue) will be listed. |
| EM-3.1 | Select the Queue "ping" and enter a binding "newBinding". Click   "Execute" and confirm the operation. | Operation successful dialog will popup. |
| EM-3.2 | Select the "Bindings" tab | Queue "ping" with binding "newBinding" will be listed on "Queue   Management" page. |
| EM-4 | Select the node "amq.match", which is headers exchange | Result same as in step EM-2 |
| EM-4.1 | Select the "Create New Binding" tab | The available queues (ping, queue) will be listed and there will be   text fields to enter binding as key=value pair |
| EM-4.2 | Select a Queue "ping" and enter these bindings\-\\
Name=key1&nbsp; value=value1\\
Name=key2&nbsp; value=value2\\
Now click "Execute" and confirm the operation. | Operation successful dialog will popup. |
| EM-4.3 | Select the "Bindings" tab | Queue "ping" with bindings "key1=value1" and "key2=value2" will be   listed on "Queue Management" page. |
| | | |
h1. Trouble Shooting

Q. Why the text fields are not visible on my machine but are visible on other machine?
A. Please check if the windows theme being used in Control Panel->Display is not the default one.
Q. How can I get the exception stack trace for sending to development team for debugging?
A. In start-up scripts or qpidmc.bat, update the parameter value:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; \-Declipse.consoleLog=true