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smx@root:osgi> list
   ID   State         Spring     Level  Name
[   0] [Active     ] [       ] [    0] System Bundle (1.5.0.r752991)
[   1] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] Apache Felix Prefrences Service (1.0.2)
[   2] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAXP API 1.4 (1.4.0.SNAPSHOT)
[   3] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec (1.1.1)
[   4] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] OSGi R4 Compendium Bundle (4.1.0)
[   5] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jaxp-ri-1.4.2 (
[   6] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service (1.0.4)
[   7] [Active     ] [       ] [   10] geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec (1.1.2)
[   8] [Active     ] [Started] [   40] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell Core (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[   9] [Active     ] [       ] [    8] OPS4J Pax Logging - API (1.3.0)
[  10] [Active     ] [       ] [    8] OPS4J Pax Logging - Service (1.3.0)
[  11] [Active     ] [       ] [    5] OPS4J Pax Url - wrap: (0.3.3)
[  12] [Active     ] [       ] [    5] OPS4J Pax Url - mvn: (0.3.3)
[  13] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell Features (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  14] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell OSGi Commands (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  15] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: mina-1.1.7 (
[  16] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] spring-osgi-extender (1.2.0.rc1)
[  17] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Spring Context (2.5.6)
[  18] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell PackageAdmin Commands (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  19] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell ConfigAdmin Commands (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  20] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: JAAS Config (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  21] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-jexl-1.1 (
[  22] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-httpclient-3.1 (
[  23] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Spring Core (2.5.6)
[  24] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] jmx-impl (1.0.0.r6125-patched)
[  25] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] spring-osgi-io (1.2.0.rc1)
[  26] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] jmx (1.0.0.r6125-patched)
[  27] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] spring-osgi-core (1.2.0.rc1)
[  28] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: JAAS Modules (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  29] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-vfs-1.0 (
[  30] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Spring Beans (2.5.6)
[  31] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell Admin (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  32] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Unnamed - (0.1)
[  33] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-codec-1.2 (
[  34] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: GShell Log Commands (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  35] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jline-0.9.94 (
[  36] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: aopalliance-1.0 (
[  37] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Spring AOP (2.5.6)
[  38] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: cglib-2.1_3 (
[  39] [Active     ] [       ] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: oro-2.0.8 (
[  40] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: Spring Deployer (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  41] [Active     ] [Started] [   30] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: Management (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  42] [Active     ] [       ] [   15] Apache ServiceMix Kernel :: File Monitor (1.2.0.SNAPSHOT)
[  43] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jaxb-impl-2.1.6 (
[  44] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: ACTIVATION API 1.4 (1.2.0)
[  45] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAXB API 2.1 (1.2.0)
[  46] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Commons Collections (3.2.1)
[  47] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Commons Lang (2.4)
[  48] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache Commons Pool Bundle (1.4)
[  49] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: asm-2.2.3 (
[  50] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] geronimo-jta_1.1_spec (1.1.1)
[  51] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec (2.0.0)
[  52] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: howl-1.0.1-1 (
[  53] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Geronimo TxManager :: Transaction (2.2.0.r634076)
[  54] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Spring Transaction (2.5.6)
[  55] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Transaction (1.0.0)
[  56] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Geronimo TxManager :: Connector (2.2.0.r634076)
[  57] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] geronimo-jms_1.1_spec (1.1.1)
[  58] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jencks-2.1 (
[  59] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec (1.0.1)
[  60] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] xbean-spring (3.4.3)
[  61] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] activemq-core (5.2.0)
[  62] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] activemq-ra (5.2.0)
[  63] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] activemq-console (5.2.0)
[  64] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] activemq-pool (5.2.0)
[  65] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Features :: ActiveMQ Commands (4.0.0)
[  66] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jetty-6.1.14 (
[  67] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] OPS4J Pax Web - Web Container (0.6.0)
[  68] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] OPS4J Pax Web - Jsp Support (0.6.0)
[  69] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] OPS4J Pax Web Extender - WAR (0.5.1)
[  70] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] OPS4J Pax Web Extender - Whiteboard (0.5.1)
[  71] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] OPS4J Pax Url - war:, war-i: (0.4.0)
[  72] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Apache ServiceMix WAR Deployer (4.0.0)
[  73] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Spring Web (2.5.6)
[  74] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] spring-osgi-web (1.2.0.rc1)
[  75] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Wicket (1.3.5)
[  76] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Wicket IoC common code (1.3.5)
[  77] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Wicket Spring Integration (1.3.5)
[  78] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Wicket Spring Integration through Annotations (1.3.5)
[  79] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Wicket Extensions (1.3.5)
[  80] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: FastInfoset-1.2.2 (
[  81] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xmlsec-1.3.0 (
[  82] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: wss4j-1.5.4 (
[  83] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xmlbeans-2.4.0 (
[  84] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xmlresolver-1.2 (
[  85] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: xmlschema-1.4.2 (
[  86] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: ant-1.7.0 (
[  87] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: jdom-1.1 (
[  88] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: werken-xpath-0.9.4 (
[  89] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: neethi-2.0.4 (
[  90] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: abdera-0.4.0-incubating (0.4.0.incubating_1)
[  91] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: junit-4.4 (
[  92] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: antlr-3.0.1 (
[  93] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-io-1.3.2 (
[  94] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAVAMAIL API 1.4 (1.2.0)
[  95] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: JAXWS API 2.1 (1.2.0)
[  96] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Specs :: SAAJ API 1.3 (1.2.0)
[  97] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: wsdl4j-1.6.1 (
[  98] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec (1.1.2)
[  99] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache CXF Bundle Jar (2.2)
[ 100] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Apache ServiceMix CXF Transport for OSGi (4.0.0)
[ 101] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-core (2.0.0.M1)
[ 102] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-spring (2.0.0.M1)
[ 103] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-osgi (2.0.0.M1)
[ 104] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-bindy (2.0.0.M1)
[ 105] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Spring JMS (2.5.6)
[ 106] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-jms (2.0.0.M1)
[ 107] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] camel-cxf (2.0.0.M1)
[ 108] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] activemq-camel (5.2.0)
[ 109] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: commons-dbcp-1.2.2 (
[ 110] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] MySQL AB's JDBC Driver for MySQL (5.1.6)
[ 111] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Spring ORM (2.5.6)
[ 112] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Spring JDBC (2.5.6)
[ 113] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Apache ServiceMix Bundles: dom4j-1.6.1 (1.6.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 114] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] ANTLR (2.7.7)
[ 115] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] JGroups Toolkit (2.5.1)
[ 116] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Javassist Java Programming Assistant (
[ 117] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] JBoss Hibernate Object-Relational Mapper (3.3.1.GA)
[ 134] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] ActiveMQ Queuing engine (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 135] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Camel Queuing Service (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 136] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Report Incident Model Bundle (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 137] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] Report Incident Persistence Bundle (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 138] [Active     ] [Started] [   60] reportincident.service (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 139] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Report Incident Webservice Bundle (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 140] [Active     ] [Failed Started] [   60] Report Incident Routing Bundle (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 141] [Active     ] [       ] [   60] Report Incident Web Bundle (1.0.0.SNAPSHOT)


The features list can also be very helpfull to see which features has been installed

Code Block

Step 3 : Incident file

To test the Camel routing, we have to produce an incident file report and put it in the file defined in the from uri of your inittial route. Create a file containing csv lines :

Code Block

001,29-04-2009,Claus,Ibsen,incident camel-001,this is a report incident for camel-001,,+111 10 20 300
002,29-04-2009,Charles,Moulliard,incident smx-002,this is a report incident for smx-002,,+222 10 20 300
003,28-04-2009,Guillaume,Nodet,incident camel-123,this is a report incident for camel-123,,+333 10 20 300
004,25-04-2009,Gert,Vanthienen,incident camel-454,this is a report incident for camel-454,,+444 10 20 300
005,24-04-2009,James,Anstey,incident smx-023,this is a report incident for smx-023,,+555 10 20 300
007,01-04-2009,Willem,Jiang,incident smx-456,this is a report incident for smx-456,,+666 10 20 300
008,27-04-2009,Matt,Raibble,incident appfuse-123,this is a report incident for appfuse-123,,+777 10 20 300
009,12-04-2009,Jean-Baptiste,Onofré,incident smx3-088,this is a report incident for smx3-088,,+888 10 20 300
010,17-04-2009,Hadrian,Zbarcea,incident camel-005,this is a report incident for camel-005,,+999 10 20 300

Save your file and copy it in the folder

Cehck the log of SMX and you must see something like this


smx@root:features> list
  State          Version       Name
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] hibernate
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] web-core
[installed  ]  [               2.2] cxf
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] common
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] transaction
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-activemq
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] web
[installed  ]  [               1.0] reportincident
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] cxf-osgi
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] spring-web
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-spring
[installed  ]  [   2.0-M1] camel
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-core
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-bindy
[installed  ]  [      5.2.0] activemq
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] connector
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-osgi
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] wicket
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] jdbc-driver
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-jms
[installed  ]  [      0.0.0] camel-cxf

Step 3 : Incident file

To test the Camel routing, we have to produce an incident file report and put it in the file defined in the from uri of your inittial route. Create a file containing csv lines :

Code Block

001,29-04-2009,Claus,Ibsen,incident camel-001,this is a report incident for camel-001,,+111 10 20 300
002,29-04-2009,Charles,Moulliard,incident smx-002,this is a report incident for smx-002,,+222 10 20 300
003,28-04-2009,Guillaume,Nodet,incident camel-123,this is a report incident for camel-123,,+333 10 20 300
004,25-04-2009,Gert,Vanthienen,incident camel-454,this is a report incident for camel-454,,+444 10 20 300
005,24-04-2009,James,Anstey,incident smx-023,this is a report incident for smx-023,,+555 10 20 300
007,01-04-2009,Willem,Jiang,incident smx-456,this is a report incident for smx-456,,+666 10 20 300
008,27-04-2009,Matt,Raibble,incident appfuse-123,this is a report incident for appfuse-123,,+777 10 20 300
009,12-04-2009,Jean-Baptiste,Onofré,incident smx3-088,this is a report incident for smx3-088,,+888 10 20 300
010,17-04-2009,Hadrian,Zbarcea,incident camel-005,this is a report incident for camel-005,,+999 10 20 300

Save your file and copy it in the folder

Check the log of SMX and you must see something like this

Code Block

Next, open the web page of your application : http://localhost:8080/reportincidentweb/Image Added

Code Block

Step 4 : Call a webservice

You can use the tool Soapui to call the web service of the application.

Use the following url from Soapui, to generate the client interface to communicate with the web service : http://localhost:8080/cxf/camel-example/incident?wsdlImage Added.

Call the web service with the request : http://localhost:8080/cxf/camel-example/incidentImage Added
and the following SOAP message request by example :

Code Block

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:rep="">
         <summary>This is an web service report incident</summary>
         <details>This is an web service report incident,
                  This is an web service report incident,
                  This is an web service report incident,
                  This is an web service report incident
         <phone>+222 10 20 30 40</phone>

Check the Servicemix log :

Code Block

and web screen result : http://localhost:8080/reportincidentweb/Image Added

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