Versions Compared


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  • New async routing leveraging the JDK concurrent API to replace AsyncProcessor DONE
  • default to using transacted mode along with transacted error handlers CAMEL-866 DONE
  • improve smart completion of Java & XML DSLs DONE
  • make more endpoints easily configurable as beans in Spring XML CAMEL-506 DONE
  • improve the DSL
    • get rid of consumer. options for common options DONE
    • support # notation for URI options to lookup a reference in the bean registry DONE
    • consider how we can expose some of the ExpressionBuilder we have in Javs DSL in the XML DSL as well DONE
  • solving MEP issues DONE
  • using Camel${component}${name} pattern as header keys instead of using package names with dots that isn't likely to be transported by JMS or other transport types DONE
  • OSGi sample and wiki documentation DONE
  • Add the OSGi integration test support DONE
  • All of the bootstrap mechanisms (components, endpoints, converters, registry) should be osgi aware DONE
  • ServiceMix and Camel sample and wiki documentation DONE
  • Easier transacted route configuration DONE
  • onComplete(), onFailure() callbacks to UnitOfWork on a Exchange allowing custom code being executed when a Exchange completes IN PROGRESS DONE
  • Get the onComplete, onFailure callbacks on UnitOfWork exposes in the DSL and used by component to do cleanup after processing an exchange IN PROGRESS


Main features

  • More JMX stuff
  • More advanced and easier thread pool configuration such as from managed environments
  • interceptors should be runtime applied and not woven in at design time - separate design time vs. runtime stuff
