Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Upgraded console examples



No Format
____        __ __         _          __  __ _
/ ___|  ___ _ ____  / //_(/_) ___ ___|  \/  (_)_  __
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 / |/ __/ _ \ |\/| |,< \ \/ __ `/
 ___) | / __ `/ |/_
   \ V /| /| (_|/  /__/ |/ / | | |>  <
|____/ \___|_|    \/ /_/ / __/
    /_/ |_|\__,_\___|_|/_/   |\__|,_/_/\_\
No Format

ServiceMix Kernel
 Apache Felix Karaf (1.12.0-SNAPSHOT)

Type 'help' for more information.

You can now run your first command. Simply enter help in the console followed by a carriage return.


No Format
smx@rootkaraf@root:/> help
Available commands:
Available commands:
  osgi      Command group: osgi
  features  Command group: features
  about     Display information about the current GShell application.
  help      Display help for the current context.
  exit      Exit the current shell.
  echo      Print arguments to standard output.
  clear     Clear the terminal screen.
  source    Read and execute commands from a file in the current shell environment.
  set       Set a variable or property.
  unset     Unset a variable or property.
  alias     Define an alias.
  unalias   Undefine an alias.
  history   Display history.
  info      Display JVM informations about the current application.
  quit      Link to: exit
  ssh       Connect to a SSH serverclient.
  sshd      Start a SSH server.
  exec      Execute system processes.
  java      Execute a Java standard application.
  sleep     Sleep for a bit then wake up.
  date      Displays the current time and date.
  edit      Edit a file with an external editor.
  find      Find files in a hierarchy.
  sort      Sort lines of text.
  hostname  Displays the name of the current host.
  printf    Print formatted output.
  cat       Displays the contents of a file.
  grep      Displays lines matching a pattern.
  print     Link to: echo
  cd        Changes the current directory.
  pwd       Displays the current directory.
  ls        List the contents of a file or directory.
  cp        Copies a file or directory.
  rm        Remove a file or directory.
  fileinfo  Displays information about a file.
  touch     Sets the last-modified time of a file.
  dirconfig    Command group: config
 Link to:admin ls
  copy  Command group: admin
  Link topackages  Command group: cppackages
  dellog       LinkCommand togroup: rmlog
  osgiquit      CommandLink groupto: osgiexit
  logprint     Link to: Commandecho
 group: log
dir  admin     CommandLink groupto: adminls
  copy packages  Command group: packages
 Link configto: cp
  del Command group: config
  features  CommandLink groupto: featuresrm


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