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Comment: [Original edit by JustinMason]


  • Teiresias is IBM's pattern-discovery tool from bioinformatics
  • looks *directly* transferrable to SpamAssassin's "regexp rules" approach
  • probably heavily patented and hard to license though
  • but a Google search for "pattern discovery algorithm" looks like a promising source (wink)

Social ocial network talk:

  • pretty useless; not any spam orientation at all

Joshua Goodman Received talk:

  • talking about parsing Received lines
  • basically reimplementing spamcop algorithm
  • looking for "last external IP address"
  • thinks this will be useful for SenderID
  • SenderID example uses HELO data, looks like, instead of


  • PRA or SMTP MAIL FROM; due to multiple intervening hops
  • try to use heuristics to find last external IP address:
    • using MX data fails due to load-balancing edge router
    • also the problem
  • proposed algo:
    • IP addr is 192.168
    • HELO matches user's domain and forward DNS lookup of


    • HELO matches IP address
    • find an IP that matches MX record, next is external
  • Bob Atk suggested putting external IP addrs in a DNS record?!

Brett Watson: beyond identity: problems even with sender id

  • economics of whitelisting/blacklisting based on a reliable


  • sender identification (ie. forging is no longer possible)
  • mostly a philsophical talk

Multiple email addresses:

  • about 50% of surveyed users had multiple email addresses
  • "identities"; separation of work, personal, social groups; pseudo-anonymity; affiliation, status, prestige (alumni accts)
  • mobility (available on the road)
  • people now frequently have different "role" accounts
  • typically once people go over 3 accts, they set them up to forward to a smaller number
  • 20-30% of all email addrs change annually
  • this talk is really oriented towards MUA UI developers
  • another talk with not a whole lot of antispam relevance (sad)