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Comment: Updated DSPAM custom plugin active status

PhishPatrolTM by Wombat Security Technologies, Inc.
PhishPatrolTM is an email filter from Wombat Security Technologies designed specifically to identify email-based phishing attacks before they can lure users into divulging personal information. In contrast to solutions that rely solely on blacklists and email signatures, the PhishPatrolTM email filter uses advanced machine learning to catch new phishing attacks from the very start. Extensive evaluation of PhishPatrolTM has shown that it consistently catches more phish than the best email spam filters and has far fewer false positives. As a SpamAssassin plug-in, PhishPatrolTM integrates seamlessly with your existing installation of SpamAssassin. PhishPatrolTM — Powerful phishing detection from the makers of PhishGuru and Anti-Phishing Phil.
Created by: Wombat Security Technologies, Inc.
Contact: sales at wombatsecurity dot com
License type: Commercial annual subscription
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at:

Commtouch Plug-in for SpamAssassin
Commtouch offers a SpamAssassin plug-in for its Anti-Spam and Zero-Hour Virus Outbreak Protection technologies. Messages are passed to the Commtouch engine and the results are converted into SpamAssassin scores. Embedding the Commtouch technology allows existing SpamAssassin systems to simultaneously increase accuracy and decrease the amount of resources required for maintenance, with an easy and fast integration effort.
Commtouch SA-Plugin — The Commtouch Plug-In is a quick, easy way to inoculate SpamAssassinprotected mail servers against zero-hour threats, and to beef up detection against zombie or botnet-generated spam.
Created by: Commtouch Software Ltd.
Contact: Gabriel.Mizrahi at Commtouch dot com
License Type: Commercial annual subscription
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at:


Mail::SpamAssassin::UIUC is a project to connecting the CITES Spam Control (CSC) project, which runs on all mails sent to addreses (plus internal CITES mail servers like, and SpamAssassin, which is used at many smaller sites for all incoming mail. The goals were to a) make sure that the work from CITES' servers is not removed by SpamAssassin and b) hopefully use the information received from those servers as well.
Created by: Tim Skirvin
License Type: Same as SpamAssassin
Status: It works, and will probably be maintained to match the campus setup.
Updated: Old
Available at:
Note: This distribution is actually released as a full patch to SpamAssassin, for ease of use by the UIUC community. More information on modified files is available at the main website.


This plugin provides meta data for scoring URIs based on the country in which they are hosted enabling easy creation of rules for any country
Created by: Derek Harding
Contact: derek_sa at atuin dot net
License Type: Same as SpamAssassin
Status: active
Updated: Old
Available at: URICountryPlugin


SAGrey is a two-phased greylist tool for use inside spamassassin. It first looks to see if the score of the current message exceeds the current "spam" threshold value, and if so then it looks to see if the message sender's email and IP address tuple are already known to the auto-whitelist (AWL) repository. If the message exceeds the spam score and the sender is unknown to spamassassin, SAGrey assumes that this is one-time spam from a throwaway or zombie account, and fires accordingly.
This is badly named, as it does not actually do greylisting.
Created by: Eric A. Hall
License Type: Same as SpamAssassin
Status: seemingly-functional initial release; ongoing development
Updated: Old
Available at:


OCR scanner and image validator SA-plugin
Checks for specific keywords in gif/jpg/png attachments, using gocr. This can be used to detect spam that puts all the real contect in an attached image, accompanied with random text and html (no URL's, etc). There are also various rules to validate attached images and detect forged content types or broken images. This plugin needs SpamAssassin 3.1.1 or later. The version 2.0 is able to defeat recent gif animations which use gif tricks to avoid OCR.
Created by: Martin Blapp
License Type: BSD
Status: active
Updated: Old
Available at:
Note: Feedback and new sample images are welcome. Please test and send reports.


When using dspam in conjuction with SpamAssassin and amavisd-new, amavisd-new automatically has dspam calculate the probabability of a message being HAM/SPAM and then insert headers. If you have SA installed, the dspam information goes to waste. That is unless you take advantage of this plugin.
Created by: Eric Lubow
Contact: eric at lubow dot org
License Type: Same as SpamAssassin
Status: active
Updated: Old 2011-03-21
Available at:
Note: Using dspam's results, this module adds a tag/token to the message that SA picks up and based on the score you assign it in the ruleset configuration file, it adds/subtracts that score. Read the homepage link for more information.


Relayed By Dialup
This plugin tries to find out if the delivering host has its IP coded in the DNS-record. it doesn't lookup the IPs itself, but takes the data from the Received-Headers.
Created by: Lars Uffmann, converted to a Module: Cord Beermann
Contact: lu at,
License Type: same as Spamassassin
Status: active
Updated: Old
Available at: RelayedByDialup
Sample Results: on my setup hits of this test are 97% spam, the rest is ham


Validates OpenPGP-signed emails; requires Mail::GPG
Created by: Dave Brondsema
Contact: konfidi-devel at
License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at:
SVN: (in clients/spamassassin-openpgp/trunk)


For authenticated messages, queries the Konfidi ( trust network for a computed inferred trust value of the sender.
Note: as of Jan '08 only Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OpenPGP is supported for auth; SPF and DKIM are planned. Created by: Dave Brondsema
Contact: konfidi-devel at
License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at:
SVN: (in clients/spamassassin/trunk)


DKIM Reputation Plugin
Replacement of the plugin with additional inclusion of reputation data from This aids especially to block known spam accounts at freemailers and spammers sending DKIM signed spam with their own domains. Additionally positive reputation will be used in the future to reduce the false positive problem (positive scoring can be disabled). Currently an appropriate ruleset to distinct between neutral and good reputation is elaborated, feedback is welcome.
Requires SpamAssassin 3.1.2+
Created by: Florian Sager
License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0
Status: active
Updated: Old
Available at:


Stores a copy of a message in a dated directory when specific rules are hit and then creates a dated directory for each rule that is hit and creates a symlink to the message file allowing you to quickly find messages on a given date hitting a specific rule. Useful for developing and testing new rules.
Created by: Steve Freegard
Contact: steve.freegard at
License Type: Apache
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at:


Decodes shortened URLs via HTTP HEAD request to the shortening service and adds the decoded URL into the list of URIs extracted by SpamAssassin for other plugins to find (e.g. URIDNSBL).
Created by: Steve Freegard
Contact: steve.freegard at
License Type: Apache
Status: Active
Updated: Old
Available at: and


DNSWL spam reporting
Adds DNSWL to the services which receive a report via the command "spamassassin --report" (or -r).
Contact: Darxus
License Type: Apache
Status: Active
Updated: 2011-03-20
Available at:


Suggested format (a la CustomRulesets format):

(brief description goes here)
Created by: (name)
Contact: (contact addr)
License Type: (license)
Status: Active / Locked / Defunct (see above)
Updated: YYYY-MM-DD (date this entry was updated)
Available at: (url)
Mirror: (if applicable)
Note: (any extra notes)
Sample Results: (mass-check results if available)
