Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Removed blank line in PhishPatrol entry so it's like every other plugin again

Custom Plugins


Custom or third-party plugins described here are not part of the official SpamAssassin distribution. They may have a different license and are not from the Apache Software Foundation.

Please add links to third-party SA plugins to the bottom of this page. Note that only SpamAssassin 3.0.0 or later can use these. To use these, just place the file(s) in /etc/mail/spamassassin (if you use spamd, be sure to restart); SpamAssassin will need at least 1 rule file (ending in .cf) to load the plugin, and that will typically use a loadplugin line to load a .pm file containing the plugin's perl code.

Table of Contents

FYI: The .pm file can be kept in /etc/mail/spamassassin, too.

Before running these plugins please do the following:

  1. Read any extra info available with the plugins, including the comments in the .cf files, or the POD documentation in the .pm file.
  2. Check to make sure that the default scores fit your installation. You might want to modify scores.
  3. Make sure to --lint the rules after loading them.
  4. Test the new plugin. Keep an eye on hits from the new rules to determine if the scoring is right for you.

Use at your own risk.

Status Information

Active: Plugin is actively updated and maintained

Locked: Plugin is not actively updated, but is fine to run and considered "stable"

Defunct: Plugin is no longer maintained, may be out of date or have problems

Please respect the wishes of the authors and/or the site hosts.

Unmaintained Plugins

Plugins without a recent "Maintained as of:" date have been moved to UnmaintainedCustomPlugins. If you own one, or have confirmed that it is currently usable, feel free to move it back here and update that field.

Free Plugins


When using dspam in conjuction with SpamAssassin and amavisd-new, amavisd-new automatically has dspam calculate the probabability of a message being HAM/SPAM and then insert headers. If you have SA installed, the dspam information goes to waste. That is unless you take advantage of this plugin.

Created by: Eric Lubow

Contact: eric at lubow dot org

License Type: Same as SpamAssassin

Status: active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2006-12-08

Available at:

Note: Using dspam's results, this module adds a tag/token to the message that SA picks up and based on the score you assign it in the ruleset configuration file, it adds/subtracts that score. Read the homepage link for more information.


Plugin to use CRM114

Created by: MartinSchuette

Contact: info at

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2007-04-08

Available at: ( and

Bayes OCR Plugin

Bayes OCR Plugin performs a Bayesian content analysis of the OCR extracted text to help Spamassassin catch spam messages with attached images.

Created by: PRA Group, DIEE, University of Cagliari (Italy)

Contact: see Bayes OCR Plugin - Project page

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2007-06-14

Available at: Bayes OCR Plugin - Project page

Note: (Bayes OCR Plugin is still beta!)

Image Cerberus Plugin

Image Cerberus Plugin performs a content analysis of images attached to e-mails by image processing and pattern recognition techniques.

Created by: PRA Group, DIEE, University of Cagliari (Italy) and Ambient Intelligence Lab, Sardegna DistrICT, Sardegna Ricerche (italy)

Contact: see Plugin - Project page

License Type: Apache License, Version 2.0

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2008-08-11

Available at: Plugin - Project page


Stores a copy of a message in a dated directory when specific rules are hit and then creates a dated directory for each rule that is hit and creates a symlink to the message file allowing you to quickly find messages on a given date hitting a specific rule. Useful for developing and testing new rules.

Created by: Steve Freegard

Contact: steve.freegard at

License Type: Apache

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2009-08-03

Available at:


Decodes shortened URLs via HTTP HEAD request to the shortening service and adds the decoded URL into the list of URIs extracted by SpamAssassin for other plugins to find (e.g. URIDNSBL).

Created by: Steve Freegard

Contact: steve.freegard at

License Type: Apache

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2010-09-17

Available at: and

DNSWL spam reporting

Adds DNSWL to the services which receive a report via the command "spamassassin --report" (or -r).

Contact: Darxus

License Type: Apache

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-20

Added: 2011-02-21

Available at:

Commercial Plugins

Commtouch Plug-in for SpamAssassin

Commtouch offers a SpamAssassin plug-in for its Anti-Spam and Zero-Hour Virus Outbreak Protection technologies. Messages are passed to the Commtouch engine and the results are converted into SpamAssassin scores. Embedding the Commtouch technology allows existing SpamAssassin systems to simultaneously increase accuracy and decrease the amount of resources required for maintenance, with an easy and fast integration effort.

Commtouch SA-Plugin — The Commtouch Plug-In is a quick, easy way to inoculate SpamAssassinprotected mail servers against zero-hour threats, and to beef up detection against zombie or botnet-generated spam.

Created by: Commtouch Software Ltd.

Contact: Gabriel.Mizrahi at Commtouch dot com

License Type: Commercial annual subscription

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-23

Added: 2008-09-09

Available at:

PhishPatrolTM by Wombat Security Technologies, Inc.

PhishPatrolTM is a dedicated Anti-Phishing email Plug-in that will significantly boost the performance of your SpamAssassin installation, enabling you to catch many of the spear-phishing emails and zero-hour phishing emails that would otherwise go undetected. PhishPatrolTM is the product of years of research at the world-renowned School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. It relies on proprietary machine learning techniques and a proprietary set of features to complement your existing anti-spam/anti-virus installation. PhishPatrolTM is backed by a dedicated team of researchers working relentlessly to ensure that their filter keeps up with the latest threats. As a SpamAssassin plug-in, PhishPatrolTM integrates seamlessly with your existing installation of SpamAssassin. For additional information, contact

Created by: Wombat Security Technologies, Inc.

Contact: sales at wombatsecurity dot com

License type: Commercial annual subscription

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-04-01

Added: 2008-10-20

Available at:

SNF4SA - Message Sniffer Antispam Plugin for SpamAssassin

The Message Sniffer Antispam Plugin for SpamAssassin combines a real-time collaborative IP reputation system, distributed competitive machine learning technologies, and a comprehensive content analysis engine that improves both the accuracy and speed of SpamAssassin without additional tuning.

Created by: ARM Research Labs, LLC


License Type: Commercial Subscription

Status: Active

Maintained as of: 2011-03-21

Added: 2009-05-12

Available at:

Format for new entries

Suggested format (a la CustomRulesets format):


(brief description goes here)

Created by: (name)

Contact: (contact addr)

License Type: (license)

Status: Active / Locked / Defunct (see above)

Maintained as of: YYYY-MM-DD

Added: YYYY-MM-DD (date this entry was added)

Available at: (url)

Mirror: (if applicable)

Note: (any extra notes)

Sample Results: (mass-check results if available)

CategorySoftware CategorySoftware