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On Red Hat 9/Fedora Core 1, I get 'Makefile: 54: *** missing separator. Stop.': MakeMissingSeparator

On Red Hat 9/Fedora Core 1, I get 'could not locate your pod2man program': Pod2ManRedHat

I get coredumps from 'spamd': SpamdCoredumps

When I use SpamAssassin with Mail::Audit, I get a you cannot use body() error: MailAuditBodyError

I get warnings about tainting when I run spamassassin from /etc/procmailrc: ProcmailTaintWarning

I get corrupted messages, when using SpamAssassin with exim and procmail: EximProcmailCorruptMsgs

When I use "-t", it tells me my mail is spam, even when it's not: AlwaysSpamWithTswitch

I get 'Malformed UTF-8 character' errors on Red Hat 8, or using perl 5.8.0, with SA 2.43: RedHatMalformedUtf8

I edited my file, but SpamAssassin isn't recognising the changes: LocalCfNotRead

In what order are the SpamAssassin configuration files read?: ConfFileOrder

How do I disable certain checks?: DisablingRules

SpamAssassin/spamd seem to take a very long time to scan large emails, and are bogging down my server: SpamdKillingServer

Mail is being filtered for users listed in 'all_spam_to': AllSpamToFiltering

Spam to someone in 'all_spam_to' is also being delivered to other users, without filtering: AllSpamToNoFiltering

Performance on Red Hat 8/9/Fedora Core 1 is terrible, compared to other OSes: Utf8Performance

'spamassassin' works, but mails through my MTA filter don't scan correctly: MtaFilterNotWorking

I'm having trouble with SpamAssassin and amavisd-new: AmavisdNewTrouble

A mail has enough points to be spam, but isn't marked as such: StatusRounding

I keep running out of memory every now and again: OutOfMemoryProblems

How can I tell what SpamAssassin is doing / if a SpamAssassin feature is enabled: HowToTellWhatsGoingOn