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Hit Frequencies

Wiki Markup"hit-frequencies" is a script in the \[wiki:MassesOverview 'masses' directory\] of the [SpamAssassin] source distribution, used to measure rule accuracy and hit-rates, based on the output log files from [MassCheck].

Once you've run MassCheck, you have a "ham.log" and a "spam.log" file. To turn those into a useful summary, you run "hit-frequencies" to generate a "freqs report". Here's how – run:



the percentage of mail overall that the rule hits BR


the percentage of spam mails hit by the rule BR


the percentage of ham mails hit by the rule BR


"spam over overall ratio" – the probability that, when the rule fires, it hits on a spam message


An artificial ranking that indicates how "good" the rule is.BR


Information gain of the rule, normalized to a value between 1 and 0. Intuitively this shows how much knowing the rule helps to guess the correct classification of a e-mail. In general, RANK works better.BR


the score listed in the "../rules/" file for that rule BR


the rule's nameBR

The first two lines list the number of messages in the corpora, and the percentage makeup of the corpus as ham vs. spam (so in this example, the corpus is 41.38% spam vs 58.61% ham).


Alternatively, "hit-frequencies" has the -o switch to measure overlap; warning, however, this can be quite a bit slower and RAM-hungry than running without it, as it then needs to track a lot more data internally.



Wiki Markup
usage:[BR] hit-frequencies \[-c rules dir\] \[-f\] \[-m RE\] \[-M RE\] \[-X RE\] \[-l LC\] \[-s SC\] \[-a\] \[-p\] \[-x\] \[-i\] \[spam log\] \[ham log\][BR]

-c p

use p as the rules directory, default: "../rules"BR


falses. count only false-negative or false-positive matchesBR

-m RE

print rules matching regular expressionBR

-t RE

print rules with tflags matching regular expressionBR


only consider log entries matching regular expressionBR


don't consider log entries matching regular expressionBR

-l LC

also print language specific rules for lang code LC (or 'all')BR


only print language specific rules for lang code LC (or 'all')BR


display all testsBR


percentages. implies -xBR


extended output, with S/O ratio and scoresBR

-s SC

which scoreset to useBR


use IG (information gain) for rankingBR

options -l and -L are mutually exclusive.BR

options -M and -X are *not* mutually exclusive.BR

if either the spam or and ham logs are unspecified, the defaults are "spam.log" and "ham.log" in the current working directory.
