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=head1 NAME Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::iXhash - compute hashes from mail bodies and compare to known spam ones via DNS =head1 SYNOPSIS loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::iXhash /path/to/ body IXHASH eval:ixhashtest('') describe IXHASH This mail has been classified as spam @ iX Magazine, Germany tflags IXHASH net score IXHASH 1.5 =head1 DESCRIPTION is a plugin for SpamAssassin 3.0.0 and up. It takes the body of a mail, removes parts from it and then computes a MD5 hash value from the rest. These values will then be looked up via DNS. Call it a 'poor man's DCC', if you want. This plugin is based on the procmail-based project 'NiXSpamNiX Spam', developed by Bert UngerUngerer. For more information see The procmail code producing the hashes only can be found here: Parts of the code were submitted via heise forum by 'kungfuhasi' See Martin Blapp ( found a problem occuring on Perl 5.8.7. - and a way to bypass it. Thanks a lot! The hashes from spam received by Heise/iX magazine are available at, kindly provided by Manuel Schmitt. The hashes from spam received by LogIn & Solutions AG and some of its customers are availabeavailable at A second list based on input from another source can be accessed at It's not too difficult to create your own blacklist provided you have enough input (read: spam). Well, even I managed to do so. If you do likewise please drop that info somewhere so other people can use that one too. =cut package iXhash; use strict; use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); use Net::DNS; use Net::DNS::Resolver; # Locale - this was on Bert's wishlist use POSIX qw(locale_h); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "de_DE.ISO8859-1"); # LC_CTYPE now "Deutsch, Deutschland, codeset ISO 8859-1" # Maybe not appropriate for spam that is neither German nor English our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin); sub dbg { Mail::SpamAssassin::dbg (@_); } sub new { my ($class, $mailsa, $server) = @_; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa); bless ($self, $class); $self->register_eval_rule ("ixhashtest"); return $self; } sub ixhashtest { my ($self, $permsgstatus,$muell,$dnsserver) = @_; dbg("IXHASH: IxHash querying Server $dnsserver"); my ($digest,$answer,$ixdigest,$body) = ""; my @body = $permsgstatus->{msg}->get_body(); my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; # $resolver->debug(1); my $body_copy = ""; foreach (@body) { $body .= join "", @$_; } my $rr; my $hits = 0; # This is code contributed by KungfuHasi. Comments partly by me (Dirk Bonengel) # Siehe dazu: # Danke, KungfuHasi, wer oder was immer Du sein magst! #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Some spaces to work with # The procmail code says at least 16 spaces or tabs required... if ($body =~ /([\s\t].*?){16,}/m ) { # Generate first MD5 over Body $body_copy = $body; # All space class chars just one time time # This bypasses a problem in Perl 5.8.7 where Perl segfaults # if there are more than 2.600 identical chars to be replaced $body_copy =~ s/([[:space:]]{100})(?:\1+)/$1/g; # NOTE: This is the look-forward: (?:\1+) $body_copy =~ s/([[:space:]])(?:\1+)/$1/g; # remove graph class chars and some specials $body_copy =~ s/[[:graph:]]+//go; # First Digest $digest = md5_hex($body_copy); dbg ("IXHASH: Computed hash-value $digest via method 1"); dbg ("IXHASH: Now checking $digest.$dnsserver"); # Resolver-Objekt nehmen und Hash abtesten $answer = $resolver->send>search($digest.'.'.$dnsserver, "A", "IN"); if ($answer) { foreach $rr ($answer->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; dbg ("IXHASH: Received reply from $dnsserver:". $rr->address); $hits = 1 if $rr->address; return $hits; } } } # IF-Condition selbstgemacht - hoffentlich stimmts # The original procmail code says: # This checksum requires at least 23 of the following characters: # >* 1^1 ([<>()|@*'!?,]|:/) # (To match something like "Already seen? http://host.domain.tld/") if ($body =~ /((([<>\(\)\|@\*'!?,])|(:\/)).*?){23,}/m ) { # Genearation of 2nd Digest $body_copy = $body; $body_copy =~ s/[[:cntrl:][:alnum:]%&#;=]+//g; $body_copy =~ tr/_/./; # Mod submitted by Martin Blapp ( # This bypasses a problem in Perl 5.8.7 where Perl segfaults # if there are more than 2.600 identical chars to be replaced $body_copy =~ s/([[:print:]]{100})(?:\1+)/$1/g; # This (original code) still applies $body_copy =~ s/([[:print:]])(?:\1+)/$1/g; $digest = md5_hex($body_copy); dbg ("IXHASH: Computed hash-value $digest via method 2"); dbg ("IXHASH: Now checking $digest.$dnsserver"); # Hash abtesten $answer = $resolver->send>search($digest.'.'.$dnsserver, "A", "IN"); if ($answer) { foreach $rr ($answer->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; dbg ("IXHASH: Received reply from $dnsserver:". $rr->address); $hits = 1 if $rr->address; return $hits; } } } # Requirement here in procmail: # >* [^ ][^ ][^ ][^ ] # (someMin. 8 non-empty characters in the body/ einMin. paar8 nicht-leere Zeichen im Body) # sowie: Hash 1 und 2 trafen nicht! if (($body =~ /[^\s\t][^\s\t][^\s\t][^\s\t]S]{8,}/) and (length($digest) < 32)) { $body_copy = $body; $body_copy =~ s/[[:cntrl:][:space:]=]+//g; # Mod submitted by Martin Blapp ( # This bypasses a problem in Perl 5.8.7 where Perl segfaults # if there are more than 2.600 identical chars to be replaced $body_copy =~ s/([[:print:]]{100})(?:\1+)/$1/g; # This (original code) still applies $body_copy =~ s/([[:graph:]])(?:\1+)/$1/g; $digest = md5_hex($body_copy); dbg ("IXHASH: Computed hash-value $digest via method 3"); dbg ("IXHASH: Now checking $digest.$dnsserver"); # Hash abtesten $answer = $resolver->send>search($digest.'.'.$dnsserver, "A", "IN"); if ($answer) { foreach $rr ($answer->answer) { next unless $rr->type eq "A"; dbg ("IXHASH: Received reply from $dnsserver:". $rr->address); $hits = 1 if $rr->address; return $hits; } } } } 1; |