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#Uncomment the following lines and use tail -f procmail.log to debug

# Feed redirected spam to sa-learn

* ^To:.*
* < 256000

   :0c: spamassassin.spamlock
   | sa-learn --spam


# Send all other mail through SpamAssassin

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamassassin

# Mail that is very likely spam (>10) can be saved on the server
# (not forwarded), of by moving the # down one line, even dropped
# on the floor.  Note that dropping mail on the floor is a *bad*
# idea unless you really, really believe no false positives will
# have a score great than 10.  If you want all mail forwarded,
# just add #'s in front of each of these lines:

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

:0 # All spam with a score less than 10
! # Forward mail to my non-publicized address

For the mistake-based training, it's critical to redirect (or bounce) the message, rather than forwarding. Forwarding loses all of the critical header information, which is much of what Bayes trains off of. Here are directions for redirecting from different clients

AOL's integrated email client: Redirecting mail is not available. (Dave Goldsmith) Eudora: Select the message, go to the "Message" menu, choose redirect, fill in the address, and choose send. (Brian Corcoran and Erik Wheeler) Evolution: Select the message. In the "Actions" menu, choose the "Forward" submenu (not "Forward message", the "Forward" submenu). Pick "Redirect", fill in the "To" field, and press "Send". (Johannes Ullrich) OS/X With the email message open or selected, go to Mail's 'Message' menu and select 'Bounce to sender' or 'Redirect'. If you use this frequently, go to the "View" menu, choose "Customize toolbar", and add a button for "Redirect". (Marion Bates) Microsoft Outlook 97 Double-click on the message so it opens in a new window. Click on Tools->Resend This Message. A warning will appear about you not being the original sender of the message. Click Yes. A message window appears. Update the To: field and click on 'Send'. (Dave Goldsmith) Microsoft Outlook 2000 Double-click on the message so it opens in a new window. Click on Actions->Resend This Message. A warning will appear about you not being the original sender of the message. Click Yes. A message window appears. Update the To: field and click on 'Send'. (Dave Goldsmith) Microsoft Outlook Express It does not appear to have a redirect option. (Dave Goldsmith and Alex Bates) Netscape Communicator 4.x and 7.x They don't appear to have a redirect option. Pine
For a single message, highlight the message and press "b" to bounce it. Enter the target address and press enter. For multiple messages, select all the messages you'd like to bounce with either ":" to select them one at a time, or ";" to select multiple messages by message number, subject, body text, etc. Once selected, press "a", then "b" to Apply the Bounce command to all of them. Enter the target email address. Once done, press ";", then "a" to Unselect All selected messages.

More info can be found at:

Sylpheed Click on the message, go to the "Message" menu, choose "Redirect", fill in the "To:" address, and press send. Alternately, right click in the message and choose "Redirect" from the popup menu, fill in the "To:" address, and press send. (Dave Goldsmith)

Wiki Markup
Thanks to William Stearns <> for this \[<ac:structured-macro ac:name="redirect" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="8c88afc6-7d51-4099-8589-0a1229488d23"><ac:parameter ac:name=""><ac:link><ri:page ri:content-title="info]." /></ac:link></ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name="location"><ac:link><ri:page ri:content-title="info]." /></ac:link></ac:parameter></ac:structured-macro>