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  1. Properly link the amavisd and clamav .spamassassin bayes DBs. Both ClamAV and amavis create DBs with bayes info (the statistical info that allows SpamAssassin to "learn" what is and isn't spam) - unfortunatley, they should be sharing that info. On the command line:
    No Format
    sudo -s
    cd /var/clamav
    rm -rf .spamassassin
    ln -s /var/amavis/.spamassassin .spamassassin
    Wiki Markup
     The rm command may or may not give you an error - it depends if you have been running your server for a while already and there is a .spamassassin directory to delete. If you do get the error that the directory does not exist, don't worry, just move on.
     2. Make sure that the cron script to learn Ham and Spam is in place, or replace it with another script (I use \[ spamtrainer\] because I'm too lazy to fix Apple's install when spamtrainer will do it for me. As a bonus, spamtrainer will clean up messages that it has already analysed, so you don't have to.) Read the documentation that is included.
     3. Create system accounts with the short name junkmail and notjunkmail. These accounts do not exist by default, so you have to do it. In Workgroup Manager, make sure that you are in the local directory (not LDAP!!) and create the two users, (you don't need to give them home dirs) then enable mail for them. You can now redirect (not forward) any Spam to and Ham to and the system should learn from those messages. You can also create shared IMAP folders for these users (somebody have a link for doing that?) so your IMAP users can just drag spam into the shared junkmail mailbox and it will automagically be learned. The standard MacOS X Server Cyrus install does not install the cyradm(1) command line facility for changing mailbox ACLs by default. A very effective GUI alternative for the Mac to set shared permissions on the inboxes for junkmail and notjunkmail is \[ SirAdmin\]. If you run [SirAdmin] remotely, remember to turn on SSL else your password will be transmitted in cleartext.
     4. Gather some spam (what, no spam??) and feed the bayes DB. [SpamAssassin] won't use bayes filtering until you have at least 200 messages. I have been told that it doesn't get really effective until your have about 2000 spam and 2000 ham messages in the DB. Note that the learning process is time and processor intensive! Schedule the DB updates to minimize impact on the server. When I build a server, I like to feed it big lumps of spam and ham before it goes on line. You can use spamtrainer to specify another mailbox (other than junkmail and notjunkmail) to use to learn spam and ham on a one time basis (handy!)
     5. Check your Bayes DB. Run these commands to see what your install is using for a Bayes DB: 
    No Format
    sudo su clamav
    sa-learn --dump magic
    You should see some stats about how many Spam messages and ham messages you have in your Bayes DB. Note that this will return an error if the DB has never been updated. Feed the system some spam, then try again.
