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Comment: jtlmin + awk stuff


Overview of Several Output files

Wiki Markup
Script: [BR] After a test run, all the JTL output files were gathered together (20 or so files) in a bunch of subdirectories. The analysis was conducted on a Windows PC with MinGW/MinSYS and a few other tools (msys-dtk, gnu bc, gnu paste, gVim). For an overview of total vs. projected throughput, I used the shell script {{}} ( --a bit kludgy but hey I'm a tester not a developer!). It collates \[total throughput, start time, end time, time elapsed, average response time\] for each output file.  This script will produce a file 'jtl-file-totals.txt'.  A sample of output is shown below.


Conversion of JMeter timestamps

Script: attachment:utime2ymd.txt BR The first field of a JTL output file is a Unix timestamp extended to milliseconds. The above script calls another script utime2ymd to convert start & end times into year-month-day.hour-min-sec (yyyymmdd.HHMMss). Usually the JTL timestamps are adjusted for your local timezone (eg. GMT plus or minus a few hours). The utime2ymd script uses the local timezone by default, but can also provide GMT values – useful for converting x-thousand elapsed seconds into hhmmss. (attachment:utime2ymd.txt) Example of usage:

No Format
$ utime2ymd
Usage: utime2ymd <timestamp> [local|gmt] 

Convert 10-digit Unix timestamp to yyyymmdd.hhmmss format 
 use local time zone (default) or UTC/GMT

$ utime2ymd  1158477785863 
20060917.192305 local

$ utime2ymd 3601 gmt
19700101.010001 gmt

Excel Throughput Graph

Script: BR JMeter's output graph is too granular to depict throughput for extended test intervals (anything from 2 to 24 hours). An Excel constraint its maximum of 65536 rows. So to produce a throughput graph, JTL files of ~100k rows should be summarized into increments of 1 minute (or 2,5,n minutes depending on requirements).
BRFor each minute: throughput = count of transactions in that minute ; response time = average of 'elapsed' values in that minute. BRThe script summarizes large JTL files into 1 minute increments producing an OUT file that can be imported to Excel and a graph produced, as above. Example:

No Format

Usage: <filename> 
Summarizes JMeter JTL output into 1-minute blocks

$ queryBalance.jtl
Processing queryBalance.jtl

$ ls q*
queryBalance.jtl  queryBalance.jtl.OUT

$ head queryBalance.jtl.OUT
unixtime        date    time    thruput(tpm)    response(ms)
1160354940      2006.Oct.09     13:49   65      0
1160355000      2006.Oct.09     13:50   0       0
1160355060      2006.Oct.09     13:51   0       0
1160355120      2006.Oct.09     13:52   56      0
1160355180      2006.Oct.09     13:53   98      108
1160355240      2006.Oct.09     13:54   84      125
1160355300      2006.Oct.09     13:55   0       0
1160355360      2006.Oct.09     13:56   0       0

The core functionality in is this piece of awk code:

No Format

    # scan a JTL file for records in a specified interval
    # and return record count & average response time.
    BEGIN { 
      avgresponse=0; sumresponse=0; trancount=0; 
      if(($1 >= lastmin) && ($1 < thismin)) {
        sumresponse += $2
        avgresponse = sumresponse / trancount
    END { 
      printf("%d %d %d %d",lastmin,sumresponse,trancount,avgresponse);
      print " ",strftime("%Y.%b.%d %H:%M",lastmin)