Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: [Original edit by Philippe] Update and fix some typos


  • a Java JDK in according with target JDK (Java 8 for JMeter 35.20)
  • a recent Ant binary (1.910.35+)
  • subversion (svn) client installed (version 1.9+); the command-line utility svnmucc is needed (it should be included in the svn client installation (svn-tools dir), but please check)
  • a text editor
  • hostname must resolve to ip address (not loopback)
  • Internet access


  • request Bugzilla version update (on INFRA or if you are JMeter committer, ask for sufficient Bugzilla karma to do this yourself)
  • ensure changes.xml is up to date. If necessary, commit after update.
  • ensure unit tests pass
  • do not update the version in build.xml yet; trunk should remain a SNAPSHOT
  • check out SVN trunk into a clean workspace, for example (assuming current trunk is 35.20-SNAPSHOT in preparation for releasing 35.20):
No Format
svn co jmeter_v3v5_20_RC1
  • Move to the new workspace:
No Format
cd jmeter_v3v5_20_RC1
  • update the version / year in the new workspace: (version and year) and NOTICE (year)
    • ./src/core/org/apache/jmeter/util/
      • section: private static final String VERSION = "35.20";
      • section: private static final String COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 1998-2016 2019 The Apache Software Foundation";
    • ./NOTICE:
      • section: Copyright 1998-2016 2019 The Apache Software Foundation
  • update xdocs/download_jmeter.xml to the new version
    • section: <!ENTITY release '35.20'>
  • Download external jars
No Format
ant download_jars 


No Format
ant clean-docs
ant docs-site
ant docs-api -Djmeter.version=35.20
  • check if you need to add some new files or remove some deleted files from docs directory (using svn status command)


No Format
svn commit -m "Prepare next release 35.20: update docs tree and overview (RC1)"


  • edit now the version for build.xml (remove -SNAPSHOT)
    • ./build.xml:
      • section: <property name="jmeter.version" value="35.20"/>
  • create the new RC tag, e.g. v3v5_20_RC1 from the workspace
No Format
svn copy -m "Tag for pre-release" .
  • this will create the tag from the contents of the workspace. Only the updated files will be shown in the commit message; most files will be shown as being copied from trunk.
    • N.B. Tags must be immutable, i.e. must not be changed once created. A tag can be deleted if it is no longer needed, but must not be recreated.
      • If there is a problem with the contents of an RC tag, create a new tag, for example v3_2_RC2
      • If the tag is part of an ongoing release vote, do not delete it whilst the vote is ongoing, even if the vote is now using a later tag. It can be useful to be able to compare the contents of tags as part of the voting process.
      • Once the release vote is over, intermediate tags are no longer needed, and can be deleted.
      • If the tag has not been used in a release vote, it can be deleted immediately.


No Format
ant -Djmeter.version=35.20 distribution


No Format
ant _dist_maven -Djmeter.version=35.20
ant sign_dist -Dgpg.keyname=0612B399 -Dgpg.secretKeyring=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg


No Format
ant maven_upload -Djmeter.version=35.20 -DrepoType=releases
  • Go to Apache Repository
    • Section Staging Repositories
    • You will receive a email with JMeter Maven Repo URLs
      • The main URL must be added to email vote.
  • Generate RAT report (example on Linux with Java)
No Format
cd dist/
java -jar $RAT_HOME/apache-rat-0.12.jar ./apache-jmeter-35.20.tgz > rat-report-jmeter-35.2RC10RC1.txt
unix2dos rat-report-jmeter-35.2RC10RC1.txt

Upload release artifacts to staging directory


No Format
svn cp -m"Create docs branch"

The Javadocs are not yet part of SVN at this point. For simplicity when reviewing the release candidate, they should be added to the docs branch here:

No Format
svn import -m "Add Javadocs" docs/api

It would be possible to add them directly to the live SVN directory later, but they need to be available for review, so it's easiest to create the branches/docs-m.n/docs tree as an exact copy of what will be released.


No Format
svn copy -m "Vote succeeded, create the 35.20 tag"

Move RC dist files to release


No Format
svn co --depth files dist-jmeter
  • Edit HEADER.html to modifiy modify with new version number
  • If necessary, add your GPG public key to KEYS
  • If necessary, update the META file with your GPG key id (if you act as the release manager for the first time. Please visit )
    • The META file needs to be signed by the PMC Chair of project with this command:


No Format
svn commit -m "JMeter 35.20 release - Prepare update site" dist-jmeter



No Format
svn commit -m "JMeter 35.20 release"

Publish JMeter site


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Change the /docs-35.20/ path segment above as appropriate!


No Format
svnmucc -m "Update website for the new release JMeter 35.20" -X updatesite.txt

The SvnPubSub system will update the live site within a few seconds.


No Format
ant release_delete -Djmeter.old.version=34.10 -DrepoType=live [-Dasf.ldap.password=secret [-Dasf.ldap.usermame=user] ]